Читать книгу You Can Get Your Ex Back: Proven Plans to Stop Breakup and Win Back the Hearts of Your Loved Ones - Gene Morris - Страница 4



Break-ups are always hard. When a relationship ends, it can feel like your world is falling apart, especially if you and your partner were very close.

When a relationship ends it is tough, but when you are not ready for it to be over, it is even harder. Humans make mistakes and nobody is infallible. Sometimes, when we are in a relationship we inadvertently make mistakes that end up causing the other person to leave.

When that happens, it is devastating and people handle it one of two ways. They deflect their anger at themselves towards their ex to anybody else who can be fingered as a scapegoat and the break-up will be blamed on everybody except themselves.

Handling it that way will guarantee that you will not get your ex back and that is not what you want, you want the opposite to happen, to get them back.

Other people are mature enough to realize that they may have made a mistake or mistakes and just did not see it in time.

Perhaps they did not think that the issues were major enough to warrant their partner leaving and now that they are gone, they are miserable, alone and blaming themselves. They want to change and they are willing to change, but will their ex give them a chance?

This book is for those of you in the latter category. If you are reading this and you are thinking, “I made no mistakes. The fault was all because she/he did…” this book is not for you.

Relationships are about trust, understanding, and compromise and if you cannot admit that you had a hand in the break-up, then your ex will not take you back and you have no right to expect them too.

No break-ups are all one-sided. Was your ex at fault as well? Yes, both parties are a factor in a break-up but when you are the one reaching out for a second chance you will get nowhere if you begin to play the blame game.

Knowing that you want to fix a broken relationship is the first step towards being able to fix it. This book will help you take an honest look at what went wrong and what you can do to fix.

You will need to be honest and earnest in your attempts to get your ex back, but it is possible and we will help.

You Can Get Your Ex Back: Proven Plans to Stop Breakup and Win Back the Hearts of Your Loved Ones

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