Читать книгу Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, and Sea-Urchins: Being a Research on Primitive Nervous Systems - George John Romanes - Страница 17
Period of Latency, and Summation of Stimuli.
ОглавлениеI shall now give an account of my experiments in the period of latency and the summation of stimuli. To do this, I must first describe the method which I adopted in order to obtain a graphic record of the movements which were given in response to the stimuli supplied. As Aurelia aurita is the only species on which I have experimented in this connection, my remarks under this heading will be confined to it alone.
The method by which I determined the latent period in the case of this species was as follows. A basin containing the Medusa was filled to its brim with sea-water, and placed close beside a smoked cylinder, which, while it lay in a horizontal position, could be rotated at a known rate. The Aurelia[12] was placed with its concave aspect uppermost, and an inch or two below the surface of the water. The animal was held firmly in this position by means of a pair of compasses thrust through it and forced into a piece of wood, which was fastened to the bottom of the basin. The legs of the compasses were provided with india-rubber sliders, so that by placing these under the Medusa, the latter might be kept at any elevation in the water which might be desired. The manubrium and lithocysts were now removed, and also a segment of the umbrella. A light straw was then forced through the gelatinous substance of the umbrella in a radial direction, and close to the gap caused by the missing segment. The other, or free, end of this straw was firmly joined to a capillary glass rod, which was suitably bent to avoid contact with the rim of the basin, and also to write on the smoked cylinder. If the straw was not itself sufficient to support the weight of the capillary rod, a small cross-piece of cork might easily be tied to it, so as to add to the flotation power. A part of the excitable tissue was now raised above the surface of the water by means of a disk of cork placed beneath it, and on the part of the tissue thus raised there were placed a pair of platinum electrodes. These electrodes proceeded from an electro-magnetic apparatus, which was arranged in such a way that every time the current in it was opened or closed, it gave an induction shock and moved a lever at the same instant of time. This lever was therefore placed upon the cylinder immediately above the capillary glass-writer which proceeded from the Medusa, care being taken to place the two writers in the same line, parallel to the axis of the cylinder. Such being the arrangement, the cylinder was rotated, and thus two parallel lines were marked upon it by the two writers. If the current was now closed, an induction shock was thrown into the tissue at the same instant that the electro-magnet writer recorded the fact, by altering its position on the cylinder. Again, as soon as the paralyzed Medusa responded to the induction shock, the radii of the vacant segment were drawn apart, and in this way a curve was obtained by the other writer on the rotating cylinder. Now, by afterwards dropping a perpendicular line from the point at which the electro-magnet writer changed its position, to the parallel line made by the other writer, and then measuring the distance between the point of contact and the point on the last-mentioned line on which the curve began, the period of latent stimulation was determined. A glance at Figs. 3 and 4 (p. 55) will render this description clear to any one who is not already acquainted with the method, when it is stated that the upper line is a record of the movements of the electro-magnet writer, and the lower line that of the movements of the other writer. It will be observed that the point a in the upper line marks the point at which the induction shock was thrown in; so that by first producing the perpendicular till it meets the lower line at b, and then measuring the distance between the point b and the point c, at which the curve in the lower line first begins, the latent period (b c) is determined—the time occupied by the rotation of the cylinder from b to c being known.
Summation of Stimuli.—In this way I have been able to ascertain the period of latent stimulation in Aurelia aurita with accuracy. It must be stated at the outset, however, that the period is subject to great variations under certain varying conditions, so that we can only arrive at a just estimation of it by understanding the nature of the modifying causes. To take the simplest cause first, suppose that the paralyzed Aurelia has been left quiet for several minutes in sea-water at forty-five degrees, and that it is then stimulated by means of a single induction shock; the responsive contraction will be comparatively feeble with a very long period of latency, viz. five-eighths of a second. If another shock of the same intensity be thrown in as soon as the tissue has relaxed, a somewhat stronger contraction, with a somewhat shorter latent period, will be given. If the process is again repeated, the response will be still more powerful, with a still shorter period of latency; and so on, perhaps, for eight or ten stages, when the maximum force of contraction of which the tissue is capable will have been attained, while the period of latency will have been reduced to its minimum. This period is three-eighths of a second, or, in some cases, slightly less.
Now, we have here a remarkable series of phenomena, and as it is a series which never fails to occur under the conditions named, I append tracings to give a better idea of the very marked and striking character of the results. The first tracing (Fig. 2) is a record of the successive increments of the responses to successive induction shocks of the same intensity, thrown in at three seconds' intervals—the cylinder being stationary during each response, and rotated a short distance with the hand during each interval of repose.
Fig. 2.
The second tracing (Figs. 3 and 4) is a record of the difference between the lengths of the latent period, and also between the strengths of the contraction, in the case (a) of the first of such a series of responses (Fig. 3), and (b) of the last of such a series (Fig. 4). From these tracings it will be manifest, without further comment, how surprising is the effect of a series of stimuli; first, in arousing the tissue, as it were, to increased activity, and, second, in developing a state of expectancy.
In accordance with the now customary terminology, I shall call such a series of responses as are given in Fig. 2 a "staircase." Such a staircase has a greater number of steps in it if caused by a weak current (compare Figs. 2 and 5); and if the strength of the current be suddenly increased after the maximum level of a staircase has been reached by using a feeble current, this level admits of being slightly raised (see Fig. 5). Moreover, I find that a stimulus, which at the bottom of a staircase is of less than minimal intensity, is able, at the top of a staircase, to give rise to a contraction of very nearly maximum intensity. That is to say, by employing an induction stimulus of slightly less than minimal intensity in relation to the original irritability of the tissue, no response is given to the first two or three shocks of a series; but at the third or fourth shock a slight response is given, and from that point onward the staircase is built up as usual. This was the case in the experiment of which Fig. 2 is a record, no response having been given to the first two shocks.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.
With regard to this interesting staircase action, two questions naturally present themselves. In the first place, we are anxious to know whether the arousing effect which is so conspicuous in a staircase series is due to the occurrence of the previous stimulations, or to that of previous contractions; and, in the next place, we should like to know whether, during the natural rhythm of the tissue, each contraction exerts a beneficial influence on its successor, analogous to that which occurs in the case of contractions which are due to artificial stimuli. To answer the first of these questions, therefore, I built up a staircase in the ordinary way, and then suddenly transferred the electrodes to the opposite side of the umbrella from that on which they rested while constructing the staircase. On now throwing in another shock at this part of the contractile tissue so remote from the part previously stimulated, the response was a maximum response. Similarly, if the electrodes were transferred in the way just described, not after the maximum effect had been attained, but at any point during the process of constructing a staircase, the response given to the next shock was of an intensity to make it rank as the next step in the staircase. Hence, shifting the position of the electrodes in no wise modifies the peculiar effect we are considering; and this fact conclusively proves that the effect is a general one, pervading the whole mass of the contractile tissue, and not confined to the locality which is the immediate seat of stimulation. Nevertheless, this fact does not tend to prove that the staircase effect depends on the process of contraction as distinguished from the process of stimulation, because the wave of the former process must always precede that of the latter. But, on the other hand, in this connection it is of the first importance to remember the fact already stated, viz. that a current which at the beginning of a series of stimulations is of slightly less than minimal intensity presently becomes minimal, and eventually of much more than minimal intensity—a staircase being thus built up of which the first observable step (or contraction) only occurs in response to the second, third, or even fourth shock of the series. This fact conclusively proves that the staircase effect, at any rate at its commencement, depends on the process of stimulation as distinguished from that of contraction; for it is obvious that the latter process cannot play any part in thus constructing what we may term the invisible steps of a staircase.
To answer the second of the above questions, I placed an Aurelia with its concave surface uppermost, and removed seven of its lithocysts; I then observed the spontaneous discharge of the remaining one, and found it to be conspicuous enough that, after the occurrence of one of the natural pauses (if this were of sufficient duration), the first contraction was feeble, the next stronger, the next still stronger, and so on, till the maximum was attained. This natural staircase action admits of being very prettily shown in another way. If a tolerably large Aurelia is cut into a spiral strip of small width and great length, and if all the lithocysts are removed except one at one end of the strip, it may be observed that, after the occurrence of a natural pause, the first discharge only penetrates perhaps about a quarter of the length of the strip, the next discharge penetrates a little further, the next further, and so on, till finally the contraction waves pass from end to end. On now removing the ganglion, waiting a few minutes, and then stimulating with successive induction shocks, the same progressive penetration is observable as that which previously took place with the ganglionic stimulation. Lastly, the identity of natural and artificial staircase action may be placed beyond all doubt by an experiment in which the effects of induction shocks and of ganglionic discharges are combined. To accomplish this, all the lithocysts save one are removed, and a staircase is then built up in the ordinary way by successive induction shocks. It will now occasionally happen that the ganglion originates a discharge during the process of constructing the staircase, which is being built up by the artificial stimuli; when this happens the resulting contraction takes its proper rank in the series, and this at whatever point the natural contraction happens to come in.
Thus, then, to summarize and conclude these observations, we have seen that if a single stimulation, whether of a natural or artificial kind, is supplied to the excitable tissues of a jelly-fish, a short period, called the period of latency, will elapse, and then the jelly-fish will give a single weak contraction. If, as soon as the tissue has relaxed, the stimulation is again repeated, the period of latency will be somewhat shorter, and will be followed by a somewhat stronger contraction. Similarly, if the stimulation is repeated a third time, the period of latency will be still shorter, and the ensuing contraction still stronger. And so on up to nine or ten times, when the period of latency will be reduced to its minimum, while the force of the contraction will be raised to its maximum; so that in the jelly-fish, the effect of a series of excitations supplied at short intervals from one another is that of both arousing the tissue into a state of increased activity, and also of producing in it a state of greater expectancy. We have, moreover, seen that this effect depends upon the repetition of the process of stimulation, and not upon that of the process of contraction.
Now, effects very similar to these have been found to occur in the case of the excitable plants by Dr. Burdon-Sanderson; in the case of the frog's heart by Dr. Bowditch; and in the case of reflex action of the spinal cord by Dr. Stirling. Indeed, the only difference in this respect between these four tissues, so widely separated from one another in the biological scale, consists in the time which may be allowed to elapse between the occurrence of the successive stimuli, in order to produce this so-called summating effect of one stimulus upon its successor: the memory, so to speak, of the heart-tissue for the occurrence of a former stimulus being longer than the memory of the jelly-fish tissue; while the memory of the latter is longer than that of the plant tissue. And I may here add that even in our own organization we may often observe the action of this principle of the summation of stimuli. For instance, we can tolerate for a time the irritation caused by a crumb in the larynx, but very rapidly the sense of irritation accumulates to a point at which it becomes impossible to avoid coughing. And similarly with tickling generally, the convulsive reflex movements to which it gives rise become more and more incontrollable the longer the stimulation is continued, until they reach a maximum point, where, in persons susceptible to this kind of stimulation, the muscular action passes completely beyond the power of the will. Lastly, I may further observe, what I do not think has ever been observed before, that even in the domain of psychology the action of this principle admits of being clearly traced. We find it, for instance, in the rhythmical waves of emotion characteristic of grief, and at the other extreme we find it in the case of the ludicrous. We can endure for a short time, without giving any visible response, the psychological stimulation which is supplied by a comical spectacle; but if the latter continues sufficiently long in a sufficiently ludicrous manner, our appropriate emotion rapidly runs up to a point at which it becomes uncontrollable, and we burst into an explosion of ill-timed laughter. But in this case of psychological tickling, as in the previous case of physiological tickling, some persons are much more susceptible than others. Nevertheless, there can be no doubt that from the excitable tissues of a plant, through those of a jelly-fish and a frog, up even to the most complex of our psychological processes, we have in this recently discovered principle of the summation of stimuli a very remarkable uniformity of occurrence.