Читать книгу The Earth as Modified by Human Action - George P. Marsh - Страница 9



The Habitable Earth Originally Wooded—General Meteorological Influence

of the Forest—Electrical Action of Trees—Chemical Influence of

Woods—Trees as Protection against Malaria—Trees as Shelter to Ground

to the Leeward—Influence of the Forest as Inorganic on

Temperature—Thermometrical Action of Trees as Organic—Total Influence

of the Forest on Temperature—Influence of Forests as Inorganic on

Humidity of Air and Earth—Influence as Organic—Balance of Conflicting

Influences—Influence of Woods on Precipitation—Total Climatic Action

of the Forest—Influence of the Forest on Humidity of Soil—The Forest

in Winter—Summer Rain, Importance of—Influence of the Forest on the

Flow of Springs—Influence of the Forest on Inundations and

Torrents—Destructive Action of Torrents—Floods of the

Ardeche—Excavation by Torrents—Extinction of Torrents—Crushing Force

of Torrents—Transporting Power of Water—The Po and its

Deposits—Mountain Slides—Forest as Protection against

Avalanches—Minor Uses of the Forest—Small Forest Plants and Vitality

of Seeds—Locusts do not Breed in Forests—General Functions of

Forest—General Consequences of Destruction of—Due Proportion of

Woodland—Proportion of Woodland in European Countries—Forests of Great

Britain—Forests of France—Forests of Italy—Forests of

Germany—Forests of United States—American Forest Trees—European and

American Forest Trees Compared—The Forest does not furnish Food for

Man—First Removal of the Forest—Principal Causes of Destruction of

Forest—Destruction and Protection of Forests by Governments—Royal

Forests and Game-laws—Effects of the French Revolution—Increased

Demand for Lumber—Effects of Burning Forest—Floating of

Timber—Restoration of the Forest—Economy of the Forest—Forest

Legislation—Plantation of Forests In America—Financial Results of

Forest Plantations—Instability of American Life

The Earth as Modified by Human Action

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