Читать книгу Japanese Art of Miniature Trees and Landscapes - Giovanna M. Halford - Страница 8

1. Tokonoma arrangement frontispiece
2-4. Japanese persimmon. Japanese millettia. English holly. 15
5-7. New Year's group planting. Weeping forsythia. Wild-thyme azalea. 29
8-11. Japanese wisteria. Nagasaki crab-apple. Common Ezo spruce. Japanese black pine. 59
12-14. Nagasaki crab-apple. Dwarf needle juniper. Sargent juniper. 125
15-17. Tray landscape. Five-needle pine. Rock planting. 135
18-20. Needle juniper. Japanese mountain maple. Trident maple. 149
21-25. Rock cotoneasler. Hornbeam. Japanese red maple. Satsuki azalea. Miniature bonsai. 163
1-10. Bonsai from naturally stunted trees 39-41
11-13. Bonsai from seed 42
14-17. Bonsai from cuttings 43
18-25. Bonsai by grafting 44-45
26-27. Bonsai by layering 46
28-47. Potting and repotting 55-56
48-52. Formal upright style 67-68
53-69. Informal upright style 69-75
70-78. Slanting style 76-78
79-83. Semicascade style 79-80
84-86. Cascade style 81
87. Literati style 82
88-89. Broom style 82
90-93. Coiled style 83-84
94-97. Split-trunk style 84-85
98-103. Driftwood style 86-88
104-5. Wind-swept style 89
106-7. Exposed-root style 90
108-10. Root-over-rock style 91
111-13. Clinging-to-a-rock style 92
114-16. Twisted-trunk style 93
117. Octopus style 94
118-20. Twin-trunk style 94-95
121-30. Clump style 96-98
131-34. Stump style 99
135-42. Straight-line style 100-2
143-46. Sinuous style 102-3
147-56. Bonsai group plantings 104-7
157-63. Other group plantings 107-10
164-65. Miniature bonsai 110
166-84. Wiring and other training methods 119-20
185-92. Styles and uses of rocks 141
193-204. Making a rock planting 142
205-13. Making a bonsai-style group planting 143
214-18. Making a tray landscape 144
219-23. Training tables and stands 155
224-32. Winter protection 156-58
233-36. Exhibition of bonsai 169-70
237-45. Tools and equipment 179-80
1-2. Bonsai from cuttings 26-28
3-7. Bonsai by grafting 32-35
8-16. Bonsai by layering and dividing 36-38
17-19. Potting and repotting 52-54
20-22. Styles of bonsai 63-65
23-29. Wiring 112-14
30-33. Pruning 115-16
34-36. Correcting defects 117-21
37-40. Trimming 122-23
41. Manuring 128
42. Natural-group styles of group plantings 138
Japanese Art of Miniature Trees and Landscapes

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