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Chapter 1

1. Mountain (山)

2. Person (人)

3. One (一)

4. Two (二)

5. Three (三)

6. Sun (日)

7. White (白)

8. Mouth (口)

9. Rotate (回)

10. Four (四)

11. Moon (月)

12. Bright (明)

13. Tree (木)

14. Five (五)

15. Eye (目)

16. Woman (女)

17. Large (大)

18. Middle (中)

19. Eight (八)

20. Small (小)

Chapter 1 Review Exercises

Chapter 2

21. Shellfish (貝)

22. Six (六)

23. King (王)

24. Jewel (玉)

25. Heart (心)

26. Country (国)

27. Complete (全)

28. Ten (十)

29. Early (早)

30. Upper (上)

31. Lower (下)

32. Rice (米)

33. Self (自)

34. Inside (内)

35. Right (右)

36. Have (有)

37. Meat (肉)

38. Half (半)

39. Nine (九)

40. Spring (春)

Chapter 2 Review Exercises

Chapter 3

41. Capital (京)

42. See (見)

43. Stop (止)

44. Seven (七)

45. Few (少)

46. South (南)

47. Craft (工)

48. Left (左)

49. Tall (高)

50. Buy (買)

51. Hundred (百)

52. Circle (円)

53. Basis (元)

54. Neck (首)

55. Walk (歩)

56. Child (子)

57. Like (好)

58. Old (古)

59. Fire (火)

60. Winter (冬)

Chapter 3 Review Exercises

Chapter 4

61. Water (水)

62. Ease (安)

63. Strength (力)

64. Summer (夏)

65. Thousand (千)

66. Rest (休)

67. Hand (手)

68. Main (本)

69. Change (化)

70. River (川)

71. Body (体)

72. North (北)

73. Rice field (田)

74. Man (男)

75. House (家)

76. East (東)

77. Think (思)

78. Ear (耳)

79. Father (父)

80. Say (言)

Chapter 4 Review Exercises

Chapter 5

81. Dry (干)

82. Gold (金)

83. Words (語)

84. Gentleman (士)

85. Morning (朝)

86. Blue (青)

87. Earth (土)

88. Hang (掛)

89. Ten thousand (万)

90. Rain (雨)

91. Electric (電)

92. Sell (売)

93. Individual (者)

94. Enter (入)

95. Snow (雪)

96. Gate (門)

97. Interval (間)

98. Exit (出)

99. Life (生)

100. Cow (牛)

Chapter 5 Review Exercises

Cumulative Review Exercises for Chapters 1-5

Chapter 6

101. Beautiful (美)

102. Island (島)

103. Tiny (寸)

104. Temple (寺)

105. Precede (先)

106. Open (開)

107. Bird (鳥)

108. Evening (夕)

109. Outside (外)

110. Tongue (舌)

111. Diagram (図)

112. Stand (立)

113. Parent (親)

114. Star (星)

115. Autumn (秋)

116. West (西)

117. Sword (刀)

118. Cut (切)

119. Day of the week (曜)

120. Around (周)

Chapter 6 Review Exercises

Chapter 7

121. Read (読)

122. Road (道)

123. Heaven (天)

124. Part (分)

125. Thing (物)

126. Axe (斤)

127. New (新)

128. Flower (花)

129. Name (名)

130. Mother (母)

131. Private (私)

132. Night (夜)

133. Before (前)

134. Many (多)

135. Hold (持)

136. Write (書)

137. Sound (音)

138. Meet (会)

139. Hear (聞)

140. Center (央)

Chapter 7 Review Exercises

Chapter 8

141. Near (近)

142. Lose (失)

143. Bow (弓)

144. Horse (馬)

145. Week (週)

146. Pull (引)

147. Second (秒)

148. Shell (甲)

149. Spirit (気)

150. Time (時)

151. Speak (話)

152. English (英)

153. Instruction (訓)

154. Push (押)

155. Year (年)

156. Come (来)

157. Study (学)

158. Mind (意)

159. Again (又)

160. Red (赤)

Chapter 8 Review Exercises

Chapter 9

161. Public (公)

162. Cloth (巾)

163. City (市)

164. Primary (主)

165. Block (丁)

166. Friend (友)

167. Group (団)

168. Every (毎)

169. Empty (空)

170. Town (町)

171. Dog (犬)

172. Death (死)

173. Go (行)

174. Take (取)

175. Village (村)

176. Character (字)

177. Tool (具)

178. Pour (注)

179. Goods (品)

180. Hamlet (里)

Chapter 9 Review Exercises

Chapter 10

181. Grove (林)

182. Forest (森)

183. Dawn (旦)

184. Black (黒)

185. Mix (交)

186. Not (不)

187. After (後)

188. Most (最)

189. Fat (太)

190. Car (車)

191. Receive (受)

192. Evil (凶)

193. Sea (海)

194. School (校)

195. Leg (足)

196. Thread (糸)

197. Same (同)

198. Noon (午)

199. Love (愛)

200. Separate (離)

Chapter 10 Review Exercises

Cumulative Review Exercises for Chapters 1-10

Chapter 11

201. Trust (信)

202. Literature (文)

203. Advance (進)

204. Saké (酒)

205. Door (戸)

206. Matter (事)

207. Wait (待)

208. Elder brother (兄)

209. Prefecture (県)

210. Back (背)

211. Clear (晴)

212. Run (走)

213. Wash (洗)

214. Oneself (己)

215. Roll (転)

216. Music (楽)

217. Reason (理)

218. Order (番)

219. Both (両)

220. People (民)

221. Quality (質)

222. Proper (正)

223. Direction (方)

224. Voice (声)

225. Reside (住)

Chapter 11 Review Exercises

Chapter 12

226. Attach (付)

227. Light (軽)

228. Mourn (弔)

229. Cry (泣)

230. Silver (銀)

231. Question (問)

232. Dark (暗)

233. Picture (絵)

234. Surname (氏)

235. Young (若)

236. Cause (由)

237. Declare (申)

238. Essential (要)

239. Reach (至)

240. Compare (比)

241. Measure (計)

242. Location (所)

243. No. (第)

244. Gist (旨)

245. Wear (着)

246. Lack (欠)

247. Show (示)

248. Serve (仕)

249. Heavy (重)

250. Match (合)

Chapter 12 Review Exercises

Chapter 13

251. Painting (画)

252. Possible (可)

253. God (紙)

254. Perish (亡)

255. Occupy (占)

256. Society (世)

257. Fixed (定)

258. Paper (紙)

259. Appearance (采)

260. Army (軍)

261. Elder sister (姉)

262. Sheep (羊)

263. Intervene (介)

264. Platform (台)

265. Hasten (急)

266. State (州)

267. Spicy (辛)

268. Clothes (服)

269. Lucky (吉)

270. Utilize (用)

271. Next (次)

272. Low (低)

273. Filial piety (孝)

274. Tea (茶)

275. Profit (利)

276. Not yet (未)

277. End (末)

278. Dipper (斗)

279. Play (遊)

280. Bean (豆)

Chapter 13 Review Exercises

Chapter 14

281. Roof (屋)

282. Each (各)

283. Form (形)

284. Target (的)

285. Arrow (矢)

286. World (界)

287. Against (反)

288. Good (良)

289. Distribute (配)

290. Far (遠)

291. Forget (忘)

292. Perfect (完)

293. Besides (且)

294. Metropolis (都)

295. Descend (降)

296. Marriage (婚)

297. Festival (祭)

298. Finger (指)

299. Beforehand (予)

300. Active (活)

301. Harmony (和)

302. Via (経)

303. Head (頭)

304. Fish (魚)

305. Actual (実)

Chapter 14 Review Exercises

Chapter 15

306. Achieve (達)

307. Continue (続)

308. Weak (弱)

309. Short (短)

310. Resign (辞)

311. Exemption (免)

312. Song (歌)

313. Send (送)

314. Pay (払)

315. Husband (夫)

316. Alter (変)

317. Eat (食)

318. Move (動)

319. Springs (泉)

320. Un- (非)

321. Substitute (代)

322. Note (記)

323. Reflect (映)

324. Doctor (医)

325. Ocean (洋)

326. Bridge (橋)

327. Present (現)

328. Ground (地)

329. Transmit (伝)

330. Bind (結)

Chapter 15 Review Exercises

Chapter 16

331. Taste (味)

332. Measurement (尺)

333. Flat (平)

334. Degree (度)

335. Edge (際)

336. Lend (貸)

337. Command (令)

338. Field (野)

339. Wide (広)

340. Stone (石)

341. China (漢)

342. Different (別)

343. Garden (園)

344. All (皆)

345. Immediate (即)

346. Shop (店)

347. Institution (院)

348. Climb (登)

349. Original (原)

350. Late (晩)

351. Entwine (絡)

352. Express (表)

353. Type (式)

354. Passage (通)

355. Past (昨)

356. Bundle (束)

357. Special (特)

358. True (真)

359. Office (局)

360. Gather (集)

Chapter 16 Review Exercises

Cumulative Review Exercises for Chapters 1-16

Chapter 17

361. Hard (固)

362. Cool (冷)

363. Long ago (昔)

364. Inquiry (究)

365. Medicine (薬)

366. Line (線)

367. Face (顔)

368. Tribe (族)

369. Teach (教)

370. Third (丙)

371. Lodging (宿)

372. Try (試)

373. Anew (更)

374. System (系)

375. Depart (去)

376. Nose (鼻)

377. Asia (亜)

378. Join (接)

379. Opinion (説)

380. Make (作)

381. Joint (節)

382. Rule (則)

383. Now (今)

384. Eternal (永)

385. Ice (氷)

Chapter 17 Review Exercises

Chapter 18

386. Law (法)

387. Place (場)

388. Course (科)

389. Younger brother (弟)

390. Manner (様)

391. Insect (虫)

392. Station (駅)

393. Commerce (商)

394. Bad (悪)

395. Know (知)

396. Borrow (借)

397. Decide (決)

398. Partition (区)

399. Discharge (発)

400. How many (幾)

401. Room (室)

402. Fall (落)

403. Fast (速)

404. Color (色)

405. Start (始)

406. Approve (是)

407. Straight (直)

408. Illness (病)

409. Together (共)

410. Desire (願)

Chapter 18 Review Exercises

Chapter 19

411. What (何)

412. Polish (研)

413. Busy (忙)

414. Slow (遅)

415. Fee (料)

416. Business (業)

417. Swim (泳)

418. Connection (係)

419. Drink (飲)

420. Yellow (黄)

421. Answer (答)

422. Travel (旅)

423. Dish (皿)

424. Govern (治)

425. Confer (与)

426. Daytime (昼)

427. Produce (産)

428. Construct (建)

429. Younger sister (妹)

430. Pond (池)

431. Regulation (制)

432. Transport (運)

433. Mechanism (機)

434. Strong (強)

435. Shine (光)

436. Difficult (難)

437. Company (社)

438. Laugh (笑)

439. Test (験)

440. History (史)

Chapter 19 Review Exercises

Chapter 20

441. Floor (階)

442. Point (点)

443. Official (官)

444. Feather (羽)

445. Warm (温)

446. Cold (寒)

447. Diligence (勉)

448. Technique (術)

449. Personal (身)

450. Beginning (初)

451. Distress (困)

452. Put (置)

453. Solo (個)

454. Become (成)

455. Work (働)

456. Hall (堂)

457. Association (組)

458. Arise (起)

459. Dispute (争)

460. Wind (風)

461. Pain (痛)

462. Officer (吏)

463. Sleep (寝)

464. Checkpoint (関)

465. Side (側)

Chapter 20 Review Exercises

Chapter 21

466. Cargo (荷)

467. Port (港)

468. Hit (打)

469. Row (列)

470. Round (丸)

471. Manor (館)

472. Fly (飛)

473. Number (数)

474. Learn (習)

475. Display (展)

476. Mask (面)

477. Select (選)

478. Homeward (帰)

479. Section (部)

480. Topic (題)

481. Period (期)

482. Grant (授)

483. Delivery (便)

484. Annual (歳)

485. Exclusive (専)

486. Orient (向)

487. Train (練)

488. Raise (育)

489. Consider (考)

490. Member (員)

Chapter 21 Review Exercises

Chapter 22

491. Copy (写)

492. Court (廷)

493. Sideways (横)

494. Certain (必)

495. With (以)

496. Single (単)

497. Versus (対)

498. Meal (飯)

499. Title (号)

500. Graduate (卒)

501. Sheet (枚)

502. Hot (暑)

503. Ride (乗)

504. Lady (婦)

505. Nature (然)

506. Tone (調)

507. Keep (留)

508. Heat (熱)

509. Use (使)

510. Remain (残)

511. Quiet (静)

512. Gift (贈)

513. Vegetable (菜)

514. Miscellaneous (雑)

515. Without (無)

516. Yard (庭)

517. Reciprocal (相)

518. Long (長)

519. Courtesy (礼)

520. Finish (終)

Chapter 22 Review Exercises

Cumulative Review Exercises for Chapters 1-22

Answer Key for Exercises


Index 1: Stroke Count

Index 2: Kanji Names

Index 3: Romaji Reading

Index 4: Hiragana and Katakana Reading

On-yomi Keyword Table

The software offers you animated stroke-order information and pronunciations for all 520 kanji.

Visit the Learning Japanese Kanji page at www.tuttlepublishing.com to download Index 4 and other updates and bonus items.

Tuttle Learning Japanese Kanji

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