Читать книгу Swansong - GM Jordan - Страница 5



The light frost of the early morning gave the world a crisp, clean look to it. The hedges lining the road appeared to be made from icing, cobwebs keeping the tiny droplets of water like a million tiny flies.

Slowly a black car pulled into a driveway, the windows heavy with mist shielding the occupants from prying eyes. It pulled up to the house and stopped, a heeled foot stepped lightly onto the gravel and was closely followed by another. Black silk stockings ran under a long coat that was pulled up tightly around the owner’s face. She reached into the car and pulled out a small case.

Carefully she made her way to the door and knocked smartly, from the outside it appeared that the house was lifeless, it was if it mimicked her feelings deep inside. A few seconds later the latch was drawn back and the door opened, she stepped inside quickly and the door closed once again.

China didn’t pay much attention as she was led down the corridor and into a wood panelled study, she held the case tightly but her coat was removed. Underneath she wore a simple black dress that stopped just above her knees; as was her Master’s wishes she did not wear anything underneath except her stockings. Around her neck she wore a simple black leather collar that locked at the back, she had thought about removing it but felt lost without it.

Instinctively she stood with her legs apart, hands behind her back. Subconsciously she leaned back so her ample breasts could be seen. She breathed lightly, the events of the last few days were catching up with her and now she felt tired and alone. She wanted to curl up in a ball in her Master’s lap in safety. Tears fought their way into her eyes but she held them back.

“Master will be along shortly.” China looked up and noticed the girl attending to her for the first time. Her hair was cut short and she was pretty, any other time China might have thought her attractive. She wore little more than a rough smock and it was clear to China that the girl was a novice.

She nodded.

“Would you like to sit down, you must be cold and tired?” The girl tried to appear kindly but the cold China felt was not down to the weather.

“Thank you but I prefer to stand.”

The girl nodded and left. The door quietly clicked shut and left alone China would normally relax, instead she bowed her head and allowed a single tear to fall down her pale cheek. Closing her eyes she tried to remember how she had felt when she first arrived to start her training, it seemed a lifetime ago.


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