Читать книгу Swansong - GM Jordan - Страница 9



The Somerset countryside was fresh and pleasing, the new house was everything Gill had wanted as a girl and worked hard for. She was sweeping her old life away and starting afresh even if she was not sure it was what she wanted. The infidelity of her ex-husband and friend although not forgotten was no longer a painful memory. Hate had turned to annoyance but nothing else. More prominent was the memory of seeing Mary punished in such a demeaning manner – she was still not sure how J had known about the affair but she felt that he had the ability to look inside the soul. The memory of him made goose bumps rise on her skin again.

That night as she sorted through her diary his card fell onto the kitchen table; slowly she picked it up and found herself turning it over in her hands. Once again she found herself nervously holding the phone but this time it was the number on the card she dialled; the phone rang for a short time and then a message let her know it had been discontinued. She felt silly, it had been six months so he was sure to have moved on, but as she sat at her computer the wording on the card haunted her and she wrote a simple e-mail which read:

“You gave me the truth, I need to be punished in order to lay the past to rest and to move on. Are you available?”

For a couple of minutes she fought the urge to delete it, eventually she poured a large drink and pressed send. An hour later she checked her mail, found nothing and went to bed sure he was gone.

China sank into the bed and pulled the duvet up around her face, it was comfortable and warm but it was not the place for her. She turned onto her side and looked around the furniture, most of which she judged to be antique, others very clever reproductions. In the distance she could hear the ticking of a clock and then the chimes – she tried to count them but she was too tired. Her eyes closed and exhaustion filled her veins, she felt like she was betraying Master by falling asleep but there was nothing she could do, her spirit was willing but the body was drained.

Once or twice she would wake sure somebody was in the room with her, she felt her face brushed by a familiar warmth, hair stroked from her eyes. She stretched out and her hands touched the headboard, legs already open twelve inches, it was instinctive now even in her sleep.

She felt his warm breath on her breasts, the familiar flicking of his tongue as he worked slowly and methodically down her soft body, kissing and biting her skin, she felt loved and wanted, needed. Gradually her mind became a haze between reality and fantasy – she felt her labia puff at his touch, her clitoris exposed as his lips closed around it and he sucked. Unable to move her arms she could only give in to his control – she still pulled at the restraints but they didn’t give way, she was locked down, almost panicking as he did what he wished to her.

She tried to breathe but the bed seemed to suck it from her body – her eyes snapped open and she was sure he was between her legs; she tried to speak, to call out to him but all she could do was raise her pelvis as the climax hit her hard, exploding from the epicentre of her body and draining every ounce of energy from her. It seemed to last forever until eventually she fell back into a laboured asleep again.

The e-mail waited for her when she logged on – her heart felt as though it was in her mouth as she read it over and over. He was in York, only four hours away in the car. It seemed unobtainable and she mulled over how she could do it. Eventually she wrote back and asked him to tell her about the training, what would she endure and would it be the same as Mary’s punishment?

His reply was almost instant; she was surprised that his reply came back so soon. ‘No, you are special. You need to serve.’ The words seemed so simple on the screen but they burned into her, finally something inside clicked and she understood.

She wrote back for more instructions, and printed his reply. She placed it on the table and read it three or four times, making sure she understood all that was required of her for the first meeting. She grew nervous at the prospect, finally she had found herself.

Gill had never been to York; she had passed through it on the train but never got out to look around. She took the letter from her pocket and climbed into a cab.

“Travelodge, Piccadilly,” she told the driver and settled back to admire the ancient city as they drove through it. Ten minutes later she stepped from the car and checked in, her room was basic but that is all she would need for the next four days.

She slipped out of her clothes and folded them, placing them in her case and closing the lid. She grew apprehensive about the situation, she could feel the heat rising inside, the confusion raging deep down. Leaning back on the bed her index finger slipped between her legs and pressed her clitoris, she couldn’t help but stroke gently, the wisp of neat hair tickled her hand and she pressed harder, the warmth and wetness of her lips surprised her and she arched her back in pleasure.

The knock at the door took her by surprise and she looked in the mirror to make sure her hair was straight, wiped her fingers on a towel and took a deep breath. She walked quickly to the door and peered through the eyehole to make sure it was J, he stood back a little and she noted that he didn’t have anything, or anyone, with him. She unlocked the door and returned to the centre of the room, bowing her head and kneeling.

J stood over her, lifted her chin and looked into her eyes, “What do you wish from me?”

“I wish to learn, I wish you to train me, and I want to serve,” she breathed as he stared into her eyes. He seemed a little harder than the last time they had met and she understood this is what Mary saw.

“Yes you do.” The words were unexpected, Gill had expected to be told she was not good enough and that she too would be punished. “Rise.”

She did as she was told, conscious that her naked body was on full display – her cheeks were flushed and she played with her hands as he looked her over. J placed his hand between her legs and she sucked in air sharply letting out a small moan as he pressed her lightly.

“You need to shower and shave.”

She was startled at his words but followed him into the shower and allowed herself to be shaved; she marvelled at how gently he used the razor, taking care to ensure he didn’t nick her.

The shower was hot and Gill turned under the jet, she was not allowed to use scented soap and was aware that J was waiting, but it felt wonderful and she wanted to stay. Eventually the water stopped and she stepped out onto the cold floor. J handed her a towel, she patted herself dry and allowed herself to be led to the centre of the room, a stool sat in front of the mirror and J motioned for her to sit.

“Tie your hair back away from your face,” he ordered. She did as he told her exactly. “Now using just the red lipstick paint your lips.”

Wide-eyed she applied it thickly, when she finished he handed her a black lip liner.

“Highlight the outline of your lips.” She did as he instructed after which he took it from her and handed her eyeliner. “Now blacken your eyelids and use the pencil to draw back a narrow line from the corner of your eye to your ear, about half an inch.

The transformation was almost complete, Gill marvelled at how beautiful her face was with her new make-up – she looked totally different.

“You will always sit with your legs open 12inches at the knees, you will also sit with your head up.” She nodded in agreement and waited to be told what to do next. “Take the lipstick and paint your nipples, then circle your areola with the pencil.”

Gill’s nerves felt on fire as she followed his instructions, aware that he watched every move she made. Finally when he was satisfied that she was ready he told her to close her eyes. She did so, unsure of what was about to happen and as his fingers stroked her cheek gently he leaned into her ear.

“Trust me,” he whispered.

Gill felt soft leather being pulled around her throat and instinctively she bowed her head as she felt the collar being tightened. He buckled it at the back, the metal buckle was cold against her skin, and he let go. Gently he lifted her face, placed her hands in the small of her back and made sure her legs were opened the correct distance. When he was happy he stepped back.

“Open your eyes.”

She looked straight into the mirror and let out a small gasp, she looked so different and yet it felt so natural. J nodded and went to her case. Pulling it onto the bed he opened it without asking her permission. Impassively Gill sat as he pulled out stockings, lifted a dress and laid his choice of shoes on the bed.

“Stand up,” he ordered. Gill did as she was told, standing with her legs apart and keeping her hands in the small of her back, it felt awkward but natural. Without thinking she pushed her breasts forward as she had seen before hoping to please him.

“Stockings, heels and then the dress, do not speak unless spoken to and you will address me as ‘Sir’. Do you understand?”

Gill nodded and started to dress as instructed, the feel of the stockings as she pulled them up her legs was amazing; she had never felt so special, so beautiful. Suddenly she was aware that her lips were puffing and she was becoming excited – as she picked up the dress she was aware that J had turned and was taking a drink, she watched him pop two pills into his mouth and swallow. Quickly she turned back and slipped into the dress, taking care not to snag the heels of her shoes in the material.

When she had completed the task she turned to show him, he nodded and motioned for her to step forward.

“Tonight you will kneel by my side when I sit down, you will not speak unless I give you permission, others may touch you but you may not climax without my permission. Do you understand?”

His words burned deep inside, she blushed at some of his words but nodded. He smiled at her.

“You will walk two steps behind me, and should I allow you to sit then you will only sit on bare cheeks. Most importantly you have a new name, you will be introduced as ‘China’, and you will answer only to that name.”

The bar was not full, but it wasn’t empty. Gill felt herself becoming China as she followed him inside. She walked behind him; her hands behind her back, the fabric of her dress rubbing at her nipples sending waves of pleasure through her body. She breathed deeply and pressed her thighs together when they were forced to stop walking because of the crowd, she knew that she was wet and in danger of climaxing. People turned to look at her but Gill wasn’t sure if it was because she looked fantastic or because she was with J.

Finally they stopped at an empty corner. J sat in a leather chair crossed his legs and motioned for a waiter to come over. Gill stood, a little unsure of what to do for a moment and then walked to the side of the chair; she turned, slid her skirt up a little and slipped down onto her knees. In an instant she became China completely.

China opened her eyes and stretched a little, the curtains had been opened and she looked around the room in natural light. Sliding to the edge of the bed she looked at the clock – it was a little after seven a.m. and she had slept later than she had in a long time. She stood carefully and padded across to her case. She popped the lid and selected a simple skirt and blouse – underneath she saw the shirt her Master had wrapped her in. She lifted it to her nose and drank in deep breaths of his scent, she longed for him to be waiting for her and for a second she felt his breath on her bare shoulder.

The door opened and the little slave walked in, she seemed startled to see China up and around.

“Master asked me to check on you,” she whispered, she was obviously excited by China.

“What is your name?” China asked as she pulled out the clothes she was going to wear.

“I have no name yet,” was the reply.

China looked her up and down; her eyes took in the girl’s dress and stance.

“You will help me dress.” China gave her the skirt and blouse to hold as she pulled out new stockings, boots and a make-up case.

The girl walked to the bed and made it before laying the clothes out neatly; she turned to watch China and waited for further instructions.

“Run me a bath. What time does your Master usually wake?”

“Seven – he was up early this morning Ma’am.” China fixed her gaze on the novice and judged her.

“I am simply China, I am not Ma’am or Mistress, just China.” The girl nodded and trotted off to run the bath.

China stared out the window and took in the gardens, it was very spacious.

Master did not have a garden although his flat was filled with dragon trees and tropical plants; the lush greenery filled the rooms with oxygen.

“Your bath will be ready in a few minutes, China”

She turned and faced the girl, running the nail on her index finger around the novice’s mouth, caressing it gently. She felt the girl shiver with excitement. China leaned forward so her face was close to the girl’s.

She looked into her eyes and held her position, dragging the second into an eternity before kissing the novice softly.

The soft moan that escaped the girl’s lips made China smile, she remembered her first kiss from another woman, the anticipation, the thrill.

The bath was deep and hot, China lay back and closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation of the water lapping at her body. The novice hovered close by, she offered perfumes and soaps but China declined them all. Eventually the girl stopped chattering and excused herself to check on her Master. China smiled and relaxed – her hand pressed the lips of her sex, two fingers pressed her lips, exposing her clitoris to the warmth of the water until she could no longer hold herself back, arched her back, lifted her pelvis to the surface of the water and stroked her clitoris until she climaxed.

Gill watched various people come over to J; they seemed to ignore her as they talked to him. She wondered if she looked pathetic kneeling by his side, her knees were starting to hurt and she longed to stand up.

A woman swept towards them and Gill was bowled over by the outlandish outfit she wore – it seemed to be made up of endless waves of leather and buckles. She made a beeline for J but couldn’t take her eyes off Gill as they talked.

“It’s so good to see you again, J. Who is this delicious little creature you have brought along?” the Domme purred, Gill blushed slightly.

“Her name is China, I am teaching her.” Gill pushed her chest forward, straightening her back.

“Bring her into the back; let’s see how delicious she is.”

J stood and Gill followed, her transformation was not complete, she was still torn between her old and new name. They walked quickly through double doors and down a small flight of steps, J and the Domme talked like old friends and when they reached another set of doors J turned to face Gill for the first time since they had arrived.

“Do as you are told, do not let me down.” He instructed, she nodded and followed them inside.

The world changed around her, there was a heavy scent in the air that seemed to be a mixture of PVC, leather and sweat; Domme’s and Dom’s chatted in the half light, submissives of every shape and style waited patiently for instructions. It felt like half the room turned to look at them, and for the first time Gill felt like she was being judged openly. She also felt over dressed. As she watched the Dom’s she noticed that none of them looked like J – he wore a suit and polo neck jumper, conservative compared to those around them and yet he fitted in perfectly.

In the centre of the room sat a round table cluttered with glasses and bottles. Various chairs had been pulled up and couples chatted excitedly as they approached. J’s companion threw her arms out and hugged a small blonde.

“This is the infamous J,” she purred. J smiled and shook the woman’s hand.

“How wonderful to meet you at last, I have a young slave that is being a bit feisty and I wondered if you could take a look at her sometime?” she asked.

Gill could feel the respect oozing out of the group and she felt glad she was with him, it elevated her spirit.

“This is my new submissive, China,” J announced guiding her forward; they looked into her face and admired her make-up.

J leaned into her so his mouth was close to her ear.

“Slip the dress off your shoulders, show them how beautiful your breasts are.”

Gill stood rooted to the spot unable to move, she was being told to expose herself to a roomful of complete strangers.

“Do it, now,” J pushed. Gill felt her hands slip to her shoulders and eased down the material; it fell down her body and arms, her breasts came into view and when she shrugged the dress fell to her waist.

“Magnificent,” one of the sitters said out loud, the voice belonged to a portly man in his fifties. “How long have you had her?”

J turned to look China in the eyes, as the dress had been peeled away so had the remnants of her nine-to-five life, the transformation was complete.

“I think you can safely say I have owned China all her existence,” J stated. China felt the rush of heat return between her legs. The dress fell further and then to the floor – her entire body was now on show but she maintained the correct position demanded by her Master.


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