Читать книгу Swansong - GM Jordan - Страница 7



The passages of the house played tricks with her eyes, the light was held low enough that she could walk without fear of falling but could not make out features on the walls or ceiling. She had to keep a brisk pace to keep up with the girl in front, fearful that should the girl move out of sight she might lose her.

Eventually they came to a door and the novice stopped, she turned a key in the lock and pushed the door open, slipping the case down just inside the room. China entered.

The bed itself was large and surrounded by four posts, from which hung heavy curtains. It’s seemed too grand for a submissive but she was not going to complain.

“Please put my case on the bed,” she asked the girl.

“I’m sorry for your Master’s passing but you have no status here. Put the bag up yourself,” the girl responded as she faced China.

The slap rang out around the room, it was a shock to both China and the girl and for a second neither was sure where it had come from. A red mark rose on the girl’s cheek and her tears flowed.

“Put my case on the bed, now,” China found herself ordering, seconds later her case sat neatly on the side of the bed. “You may go.”

As the door closed on the departing girl China found her entire world was gone, she was alone, more alone than she had ever been and she started to cry.

Gill sat on a leather sofa and watched people milling around, the art on the walls didn’t particularly interest her but the champagne was cold, the music was good and she didn’t have anywhere else to go on a Saturday night. Her eyes wandered, drifting across the faces of the people crowded into the recesses looking at the drab artworks hanging on the white walls. She thought briefly about her husband, she had thought they were happy but then one day she came home from work to find his clothes gone, the deeds to the house sat on the table and signed over to her. This was his kind of event, his world not hers.

As she drifted into her own thoughts her eyes strayed to the far corner of the room where several people stood around a large chair. Her eyes met the occupant. He filled the space. She noted his hair was red-brown, cut short and away from his face, and she couldn’t stop looking at his eyes, deep and almost black. He had a strange shaped beard that was cut high on his cheeks, dark against his pale complexion.

By his side a girl sat upright, her skirt was cut short, a black mesh top was almost transparent and her breasts were clearly visible under the lights of the gallery. Her legs were open and she rested her hands in her lap, Gill noted her make-up, bright red lips, her eyelids were darkened in such a way as her blue eyes seemed dazzling. Finally her hair was pulled back tightly, she looked stunning and Gill felt the heat rising between her legs. Occasionally she watched the girl rise and return with another drink for her partner but she never drank herself unless he held the glass for her, then her mouth would eagerly close over the rim, she never lost her elegance and throngs of men strolled over. They would talk to the stranger but look at his companion, their eyes flicking over every part of her, but when it became clear she was not interested in them they would wander away uncomfortably only to be replaced by another,

At the end of the evening Gill kissed her host goodbye and stood on the street waiting for her taxi, the lights of the city danced off the Thames and she watched them for a minute. A car drew up, and she watched as the couple from the Gallery walked out. The woman opened the door and the man stepped inside, turning to look Gill in the eye. She felt her heart pounding as he appeared to look deep inside her and long since buried feelings surged through her body and mind. He held the look as the woman stepped into the car and finally closed the door.

Shaking, Gill climbed into her taxi when it arrived, her hand rested on her thigh and she longed to stroke herself. Slowly she slipped her dress up her thighs. The taxi driver watched her in his rear view mirror as she closed her eyes, her fingers slipping inside her jacket and gently squeezed her breasts, pinching her nipples.

Her legs opened wide as she remembered the look on the girl’s face of contentment and desire. Gill felt hotter, she was getting wetter as his eyes jumped into her thoughts, amazing eyes that undressed her and made her feel like a student again being watched by the crowd.

Almost unconsciously she let out a deep sigh. Seconds later she was aware that strange fingers caressed her inner thigh, she snapped open her eyes and stared at taxi driver. They had pulled into a quiet street and he grinned at her- she wanted to close her legs but the need to be touched stopped her. Wantonly she opened them further and slipped her dress higher revealing her stocking tops. His fingertips brushed her gusset, teasing her lips through the silk material.

“Come into the front,” he ordered, grinning. She tried to resist, looking out the windows to see if anyone was around. When it was clear they were alone she stepped out of the back and into the passenger seat.

His cock was already out of his trousers when she sat down; she shook her head and tried to open the door but his hand flicked out and gripped her wrist.

“Show me your titties.” His voice was demanding and coarse; she felt afraid but slowly unbuttoned her jacket and blouse. Roughly he reached out and mauled her soft breasts through her bra. She moaned and then hated herself for enjoying it.

“You like that, don’t you.”

She shook her head and tried to be defiant, pushing herself back against the door and trying to break his touch. But he changed tact and ran his fingers up her thigh, she felt his rough hands over her stockings and wanted to run away, wide-eyed her legs opened to his touch and within seconds he was pushing his fingers inside her panties.

“You’re very hot, you want this don’t you?” She shook her head at his statement. “Boy, you are such a dirty bitch playing with yourself in the back of my cab. I’ll make you a dirtier bitch.”

His hand gripped the back of her head and pulled her forward. The spell was broken and Gill fought him, desperate not to give in. He was stronger though and pulled her easily into his lap but she clamped her mouth and refused to take his hard cock.

The pain that erupted from her buttocks was both sharp and unexpected as the flat of his hand came down hard against her soft cheeks and took her breath away.

“Dirty little bitches that don’t do what they are told are spanked,” he spat as he continued to spank her, her cheeks got hotter and hotter. She could feel the heat rising between her legs, she was desperate for him to stop and touch her, she needed to be fucked.

“Pllllllllllleaaaaaase,” she moaned, “please stop and I’ll do what you want.” She opened her mouth and took his salty cock into her mouth, greedily sucking him deep into her throat. As he relaxed his grip it became apparent that he wasn’t going to touch her so Gill slipped her hand between her legs and stroked herself. Through the material she could feel her clit throbbing, she was desperate for more but she felt the cock jerk in her mouth and pulled back, his climax spilled over her lips, a second load landed on her cheek and she turned her face.

He released his grip and let her sit up, she could smell his sweat and sperm, it made her sick to think what she had just done. Her buttocks were burning and she grabbed her bag and tumbled out onto the pavement desperate to put distance between them. The taxi started up, the engine turning over for a second before he drove off. She watched him driving off before putting her clothes straight and walking towards the main road.

The thoughts of the Saturday night weighed in her mind as she tried to work - the image and smell of the driver were gone and all she could feel was the hardness of his hand and the eyes of the stranger in the galleries. When she closed her eyes to sleep she could feel him watching her.

Eventually she picked up the phone and dialled the number of the party organiser, she listened to the phone ringing and wondered if she should hang up but eventually the machine answered it.

“Mary, hi, just wanted to thank you for the party the other night. I was wondering, there was a big guy there with a very distinctive beard with his girlfriend sitting to one side. I know his face from somewhere – could you let me know who he is?” She put down the phone and swivelled in her chair. London spread out in front of her; somewhere out there he was working.


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