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Selecting for temperament


You are likely to want a puppy with the ideal temperament described in the breed standards and norms. However, within any breed there are great variations between individuals and strains.

Selection for temperament starts with the breeder. A reputable breeder checks all the puppies for temperament and follows their progress.

Some breeders concentrate on the physical characteristics of the breed, which will win awards in the show ring; they pay less regard to breeding good temperament.

Although the Labrador Retriever is regarded as the perfect example of a canine member of a human family, individuals do not always live up to the breed’s reputation of being affable, agreeable and family oriented.

Today, however, judges at dog shows pay more attention to temperament, and fault dogs that transgress.

Always buy from a reputable breeder, and check out the temperament of the puppy’s mother (and father, too, where possible). This may help to eliminate any problems in the future, but the way a puppy behaves when young will not necessarily remain the same as it gets older. The most submissive puppy in a litter may become quite bold once it is away from its littermates and established in a new home, for example.

A dog’s temperament can be influenced by the temperament of its owner and the environment in which it lives, too, so you and your family will have a great deal of influence on how it behaves.

The Dog Owner's Handbook

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