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The Jargonaut’s Lexicon


Here’s a list of jargon words and phrases that comply with the former US president Harry S Truman decree: ‘If you can’t convince ‘em, confuse ‘em’. The entries are graded with [J] symbols; the more elusive and impenetrable the jargon, the more [JJJs] it earns. Learn to recognise jargon, and avoid it if you can.

accentuate [j] stress

accessible [j] As in We intend making Shakespeare accessible to the millions. Use understandable, attractive

accommodation [j] Use home, where you live

accomplish [j] As in accomplish the task. Use complete, finish, do

accordingly [j] Use so

accountability [j] Use responsibility

acquiesce [j] Use agree

acquire [j] Use get, buy, win

activist [j] As in Liberal Party activist. Use worker, campaigner

address [j] As in we must address the problem. Use face, tackle, deal with

adequate [j] Use enough

axiomatic [j] Use obvious

belated [j] Use late

blueprint [jj] As in the proposal is a blueprint for disaster. Use this will end in, means/could mean disaster

chair/chairperson [jj] Use chairman, chairwoman

challenged [jjj] As in physically challenged. One of a growing range of euphemisms for personal problems and disabilities. Even in these politically-correct times it is more acceptable to be frank but sensitive. Also avoid differently abled.

come on stream [jj] As in the new model will come on stream in April. Oil producer’s jargon usually misapplied. Use begin production, start working, get under way.

come to terms with [j] Use accept, understand

concept [j] Use idea, plan, proposal, notion

core [jjj] As in core curriculum, core concepts. Use basic

creative accounting [jj] Not necessarily illegal but a vague and troubling term best avoided or left to the financial professionals.

cutback [j] A needless expansion of cut

de-manning [jjj] Use cutting jobs

de-stocking [jj] Use running down stocks, shrinking

downsizing [jjj] Usually meant to mean cutting jobs, or reacting to a bad financial year by cutting back production or services.

downplay [jj] As in he tried to downplay the gravity of the case. Use play down, minimise.

end of the day [j] As in at the end of the day, what have we got? Use in the end

final analysis [j] As in in the final analysis it makes little difference. Use in the end

front-runner [j] Use leading contender, leading or favoured candidate

funded [j] Use paid for

geared [jj] As in the service was geared to the stockbroker belt. Use aimed at, intended for, connected to, suited to

generate [j] Use make, produce

hands-on [jj] As in he adopted a hands-on policy with the staff. It makes you wonder what he was paid to do – massage them? Has been replaced by another jargon word, anyway – proactive.

heading up [jj] As in Smith will be heading up the takeover team. Use heading or leading

hidden agenda [jjj] Top-rank jargon. Use hidden/disguised purpose

identify with [jj] As in He was identified with the activists. Use associated with, linked with.

implement [jj] Use carry out, fulfil.

inaugurate [jj] As in She will inaugurate the new policy. Use introduce, start.

in-flight/in-house [j] Part of the language now but still jargon. When carried further, as in in-car entertainment, it can sound faintly ridiculous.

input [jjjj] As in ‘A core post is available for a Senior Research Associate to take a leading role in the programme. The first projects involve relating nursing inputs to patient outcomes in acute hospitals’ (University of Newcastle upon Tyne ad). A verbal germ picked up from the computer world where it is used as a verb meaning enter or insert, as in he inputted the entire file. Outside computing the word can mean contribute or, as a noun, contribution, or . . . nothing at all. Avoid.

interface [jjjj] Another refugee from computing. As a noun, it means contact. As a hideous verb, interface with can mean work with, negotiate with, cooperate with or simply meet. Any of these is preferable.

jury is still out [jj] As in Whether the move has saved the pound, the jury is still out. Use is not yet known/decided/certain/clear meet with, meet up with [jj] Use meet

methodology [j] Often used in error for method. It really means a system of methods and principles

name of the game [jj] As in the name of the game is to make money. Use object

new high, new low [j] Use new/record high level; new/record low level

non-stopping [jjj] As in the eastbound service will be non-stopping at the following stations . . . Use will not stop

operational [j] As in the service is now operational. Use now running/now working

outgoing [j] Use friendly

overview [j] Use broad view

on the back of [jj] As in the shares rose sharply on the back of the board’s profit forecast. Use after/because of/as the result of.

ongoing [jjj] As in We have an ongoing supply problem. Use continuing/continual/persistent/constant.

precondition [jjj] A condition is something that has to happen before something else will happen. A pre-condition is therefore nonsense, unless you wish to impose a condition on a condition! There must be no preconditions for the peace talks is questionable usage. Best to avoid and use condition.

put on the back burner [jj] Colourful, but jargon nevertheless. Use the more precise postponed/delayed/deferred/suspended, etc.

scenario [jj] As in worst case scenario. Originally meaning an outline of a play or film, its usage has been extended to mean outcome or prediction. Use the more specific words, or result/plan/outline, depending on context.

spend [jj] As in their total advertising spend will exceed £7m. A sloppy shortening of expenditure or spending.

state of the art [jj] Use latest/newest.

take on board [jj] Use understand/comprehend/accept

terminal [j] Use fatal/mortal

track record [j] Except for an athlete, perhaps, track record means nothing more than record. The next time you are tempted to use proven track record, be a brave pioneer and write experience

user-friendly [jj] Use easy to use

venue [j] Use place/setting

viable alternative [jj] Use alternative/choice/option

whitewash [j] As in They’ll certainly want to whitewash the incident. Use hide, gloss over, cover up, suppress, conceal

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