Читать книгу Cary Grant: A Class Apart - Graham McCann - Страница 12


Hughson: You’re a man of obvious good taste in, well, everything. How did you, I mean, why did you …
Robie: You mean, why did I take up stealing? Oh, to live better. To own things I couldn’t afford. To acquire this good taste which younow enjoy.
Hughson: You know, I thought you’d have some defense, some tale of hardship. Your mother ran off when you were young, your father beat you, or something.
Robie: No, no. I was a member of an American trapeze act in the circus that travelled in Europe. It folded, and I was stranded, so I put my agility to a more rewarding purpose … TO CATCH A THIEF
David: What do you want?
Aunt: Well, who are you?
David: Who are you?
Aunt: Who are you?
David: What do you want?
Aunt: Well, who are you?
David: I don’t know. I’m not quite myself today!


Cary Grant: A Class Apart

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