Читать книгу Location-Based Marketing - Gérard Cliquet - Страница 13 Definition of spatial marketing


Spatial marketing can be defined as anything related to the introduction of space into marketing from a conceptual, methodological and of course strategic point of view (Cliquet 2006, 2003). This implies taking into account not only issues related to the local or regional environment at the microeconomic level (Grether 1983), but also in relation to territorial coverage in the geographical sense. This concept does not necessarily imply that territories correspond to political division and/or interculturality at a more socio-cultural scale at the macroeconomic level, in other words in relation to national and international frameworks (Ohlin 1931; Hofstede et al. 2002).

The many issues developed in this book concern not only marketing in the strict sense of the term, but also other management disciplines such as information systems management and human resources, strategy, logistics, organization at local, regional, national or international level. Spatial marketing is useful in the management of organizations insofar as it makes it possible to specify and strengthen proximity with the customer and therefore customer relations depending on where the customer is located. It authorizes the link between this geolocation and the customer’s personal data. The verb “authorize” is used intentionally, because the risk of breaking the boundaries of individual privacy is real; it is an important societal issue as is the installation of video cameras in public places for security reasons. Surveys on personal data protection (privacy) show that consumers are aware of possible abuses, but this does not prevent them from using smartphones and tablets (Cliquet et al. 2018), and the Absher application that Saudi Arabian men use to track their wives does not help.

Location-Based Marketing

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