Читать книгу Location-Based Marketing - Gérard Cliquet - Страница 2
ОглавлениеTable of Contents
1 Cover
2 Preface
4 1 Spatial Marketing and Geomarketing 1.1. Defining space 1.2. From geomarketing to spatial marketing 1.3. Spatial marketing and geomarketing applications 1.4. Geomarketing, techniques and software 1.5. Conclusion
5 2 The Consumer’s Spatial Behavior 2.1. The main concepts of out-of-store spatial behavior 2.2. Models and theories of spatial consumer behavior outside the store 2.3. The consumer’s in-store spatial behavior 2.4. Conclusion
6 3 The Spatial Marketing Mix 3.1. Spatial marketing and the marketing mix 3.2. Spatial approach to product management 3.3. Spatial approach to the price 3.4. Spatial approach to sales force promotion and management 3.5. Conclusion
7 4 Store Location and Georetailing 4.1. Store location 4.2. Location models and the use of geographic information systems 4.3. Spatial strategies for locating points of sale 4.4. Conclusion
8 5 Spatial Marketing, Geolocation and Mobile Marketing 5.1. From e-commerce to mobile marketing 5.2. Mobile spatial marketing 5.3. Mobile space marketing and space management by organizations 5.4. Conclusion
10 References
11 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1. Variables used to validate MCI-type models (source: Cliquet 1997b)
2 Chapter 3Table 3.1. Generic marketing functions (source: Van Watershoot and Van der Bulte...
3 Chapter 4Table 4.1. The PESTEL model (source: Evans and Richardson 2007 and PESTEL analys...Table 4.2. Weighted evaluation grids for a supermarket site and a convenience st...Table 4.3. Application of the Reilly Law formula to Normandy citiesTable 4.4. Portfolio matrix for multiple locations
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Theoretical and schematic representation of central place theory (so...Figure 1.2. Map of the addresses of the clients (triangles) of a firm located so...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. The attraction of the E. Leclerc hypermarkets in Indre-et-Loire (37)...Figure 2.2. Theoretical and actual trading areas. For a color version of this fi...Figure 2.3. Shopping area of stores according to their surface area (source: wit...Figure 2.4. Monitoring a consumer’s in-store shopping trip. The figure shows the...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Geomarketing and delimitation of geographical areas for sellers (sou...Figure 3.2. Mapping of potential customers (source: with the kind permission of ...Figure 3.3. Travel time to visit potential customers, distinguishing between ind...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. The process of deciding on the location of points of saleFigure 4.2. Trading area and cannibalization of sales and potential by area in N...Figure 4.3. Map of isochrones (source: courtesy of Articque). For a color versio...Figure 4.4. The evolution of the shapes of trading areasFigure 4.5. Definition of trading areas by the proximal area method (source: Gho...Figure 4.6. Outermost points and limits of the trading area (source: according t...Figure 4.7. a) Division of the area into regions. b) Exploded trading area (sour...Figure 4.8. Coverage of a network of points of sale in France (source: Baray 200...Figure 4.9. Studies prior to the opening of a point of saleFigure 4.10. The breaking point or limit pointFigure 4.11. Service locations within a major metro station in Paris (source: co...Figure 4.12. The merger of the Auchan and Mammouth hypermarkets (NB: in these pa...Figure 4.13. Application of the percolation theory to a chain of stores at maxim...Figure 4.14. The meshing of two networks of "soft" discount stores (source: (Cli...
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