Читать книгу Location-Based Marketing - Gérard Cliquet - Страница 16 Local versus global


The local level is often overlooked by strategists, while it can sometimes be realized that a priori remarkable strategies on paper are simply inapplicable on the ground, a fact that many politicians would do well to consider. Neglecting the field has sometimes cost even the largest multinational firms that thought the world would adapt to their strategies and genius: the major American firms have long thought so like General Motors CEO Charles Erwin Wilson, who said in 1953, “What is good for General Motors is good for the United States and what is good for the United States is good for the world.” Today, things have progressed on this front and everyone is aware that globalization is more a myth than a reality (Douglas and Wind 1986). But in the face of this dilemma, a question arises: should we first globalize and then localize in a top-down decision-making process or localize before globalizing in a bottom-up approach? Some believe that it is better to use a “glocalization” process (Svensson 2001; Kjeldgaard and Askegaard 2006; Cliquet and Burt 2011) by trying to show that it is appropriate to globalize your business strategy and at the same time localize your marketing strategy in the broad sense (Rigby and Vishwanath 2006) in order to attract customers very quickly, hence the need for located databases (Douard et al. 2015). We were able to show how Walmart had to change its marketing methods, and thus its so-called organic growth, when this major American distributor bought Asda in the United Kingdom in 1999 (Matusitz and Leanza 2011).

The purpose of introducing space into decision-making processes is both strategic and tactical: strategic, because a strategy must also be able to express itself in terms of territorial gains and not only in terms of turnover or market share, which are too global concepts; tactical, because the company will need to know its local markets well to implement its strategies efficiently and not only effectively.

Location-Based Marketing

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