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Here Are Three Ways That You Can Go Even Deeper in Your Self-Expression

1. Stay in the Loop via Social Media and Connect with Other Readers

Expressing, connecting, and sharing go hand in hand. If you feel called to do so, please share your insights on social media while you read. Tag me @greta.solomon on Instagram and @greta_solomon on Twitter. Use #HeartSassSoulso that other readers can find you.

2. Sign Up for Journey Beyond Journaling

This is a free, five-day writing challenge designed for people who yearn to write more. If you feel your voice has been suppressed in some way—this is the challenge for you. Visit www.gretasolomon.com/challenge to receive daily videos and creative exercises that you can complete in ten to fifteen minutes. These will support you in releasing mindset blocks, getting in your body, awakening your senses, and opening your heart. You’ll kick-start your writing and creativity and begin to see what’s possible for you—beyond the pages of your journal.

3. Go Deeper with My Online Program in Writing for Creative Self-Expression

This is a completely tried-and-true, seven-week course in mindset, creativity, and craft. Using videos, audio recordings, and worksheets, I guide you to break through the blocks that hold you back. Through writing workouts, coaching questions, tasks, challenges, and tutorials, you’ll wake up to your writing potential. Plus, you’ll learn practical tools and techniques for writing articles and blog posts. By immersing yourself in this material, you’ll begin to uncover your voice and learn how to use it. Find out more about this unique, life-changing program here: www.gretasolomon.com/online-course.

As my course participant, Janet said, “When I was young, I loved to write stories and wrote constantly as a way to express the angst of my teenage years. Unfortunately, this led to shaming, because those very personal journal entries were read by someone who used them to ridicule and criticize me. You are the first person to name and identify the damage done by this kind of shaming. After working through your course, I am recognizing that I am well on the way to healing that tender, violated part of my inner world. There has been a remarkable, gradual fading of the critical inner voice. Now, I have a structure to work within and techniques to practice, and it has given me a sense of direction and purpose.”

This is my desire for you too—direction, purpose, and

the safety of having practical tools and techniques to guide

you on your journey.

Most of all, I want you to know that what you hold in your hands now, or consume via your screen or audio device, is an invitation. It’s an invitation to begin to live a fully expressed life.

A Love Lesson, as Told to Me by Yair Sagy

Finally, I’d like to end this introduction with a short meditation. Put your hands on your heart and imagine the space within. Feel your heart and then see your inner child. Look in her eyes and give her a hug. Love her. Take care of her needs. Be kind to her. Protect her from harm. Listen to her. Laugh with her. Give her treats. Take her for a day out. Be a parent to the little girl inside you, and remember this—when you love yourself, it’s easy to put up boundaries because you don’t fear rejection. You can easily say “no.” Repeat the affirmation: “I love myself.” Repeat it again. Then imagine the roar of a lion and its power and say, “I am creative, fertile, serene, and powerful like a mountain.”

Be love. Exude love. Let it fill your whole body and radiate outwards. And remember that writing for creative self-expression will help to set you free.

Heart, Sass & Soul

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