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List of Tables


1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Four components of brief intervention

2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Medication choice for treatment of opioid use disorder in pregnancy...Table 3.2 Buprenorphine initiation protocol exampleTable 3.3 Risks and protective factors for neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)

3 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Nuchal translucency (NT) measurement criteria of the Nuchal Translu...Table 5.2 Sonographic findings associated with trisomies 21, 18, and 13

4 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Indications for fetal echocardiographyTable 6.2 Standard fetal echocardiographic views and what to seeTable 6.3 AIUM recommended components of detailed fetal echocardiographic exa...

5 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Fetal biophysical profile

6 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Recommended carrier screening for individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish ...

7 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Changes in laboratory values in pregnancyTable 11.2 Oral preparations for therapy of iron deficiency anemiaTable 11.3 Intravenous preparations for therapy of iron deficiency anemia

8 Chapter 14Table 14.1 2019 SLE Criteria from the European League against Rheumatism and ...Table 14.2 Differentiating a lupus flare from preeclampsia

9 Chapter 16Table 16.1 Inherited thrombophilia and the risk of venous thromboembolism (VT...Table 16.2 Testing for inherited thrombophiliaTable 16.3 Guidelines for the prevention of VTE during pregnancy in women wit...Table 16.4 Protocols for anticoagulation

10 Chapter 17Table 17.1 Physiological cardiac changes in pregnancyTable 17.2 Etiology of valvular heart diseaseTable 17.3 Risk stratification schema for maternal heart disease in pregnancyTable 17.4 Modified WHO pregnancy risk classification system by cardiac condi...Table 17.5 Stages of progression of VHDTable 17.6 Pregnancy‐associated maternal mortality in valvular heart diseaseTable 17.7 Select cardiac medications with obstetric implicationsTable 17.8 Hemodynamic effects of VHD, effects of pregnancy, and management o...Table 17.9 New York Heart Association (NYHA) risk stratificationTable 17.10 Select obstetric medications with cardiac implicationsTable 17.11 Special populations requiring antibiotic prophylaxis during labor...Table 17.12 Infective endocarditis prophylactic antibiotic regimens in pregna...

11 Chapter 18Table 18.1 Clinical and echocardiographic features of variants of cardiomyopa...

12 Chapter 19Table 19.1 Inherited thrombophilia, personal history of VTE and pregnancy VTE...Table 19.2 Fetal radiation exposure of various ionizing modalities in radsTable 19.3 Timing of neuraxial anesthesia in relation to pharmacological anti...Table 19.4 Antepartum anticoagulationTable 19.5 Postpartum anticoagulationTable 19.6 Anticoagulation regimen definitions

13 Chapter 20Table 20.1 Classification of chronic kidney diseaseTable 20.2 Classification of CKDTable 20.3 Pregnancy‐related outcomes by CKD stageTable 20.4 Specific kidney diseases and pregnancy

14 Chapter 21Table 21.1 Institute of Medicine recommendations for total and rate of weight...Table 21.2 Obesity‐related maternal/fetal risksTable 21.3 Management considerations for the obese gravida

15 Chapter 22Table 22.1 Glycosylated hemoglobin levelsTable 22.2 National Academy of Medicine weight gain recommendations for pregn...Table 22.3 Glucose control during first stage of laborTable 22.4 Venous plasma concentrations for positive diagnosis of diabetes me...Table 22.5 Values for venous plasma glucose

16 Chapter 23Table 23.1 Diagnosis of thyroid disorders

17 Chapter 24Table 24.1 Nucleos(t)ide analogues recommended for treatment of chronic hepat...

18 Chapter 25Table 25.1 Long‐term control medications for asthma during pregnancyTable 25.2 Estimated comparative daily adult dosages for inhaled corticostero...Table 25.3 Recommendations for preferred step therapy for asthma during pregn...Table 25.4 Classification of asthma control during pregnancyaTable 25.5 Asthma biologicsTable 25.6 Pharmacological management of acute asthma during pregnancy

19 Chapter 27Table 27.1 Rates of adverse pregnancy outcome in observational studies descri...Table 27.2 Drugs used to treat hypertension in pregnancy

20 Chapter 29Table 29.1 Clinical manifestations of syphilis in the adult

21 Chapter 32Table 32.1 Presentation of malaria in pregnancy by underlying endemicityTable 32.2 Recommendations for travel to a malarious area during pregnancy

22 Chapter 33Table 33.1 Baseline laboratory studies for pregnant women living with HIV

23 Chapter 34Table 34.1 Results of maternal serological testing for parvovirus B19 infecti...

24 Chapter 35Table 35.1 Rate of early‐onset neonatal GBS sepsis in the presence of materna...Table 35.2 Recommended regimens for intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxisa

25 Chapter 37Table 37.1 Summary of evidence for management of cervical insufficiency by di...Table 37.2 Use of cerclage in singleton gestations

26 Chapter 38Table 38.1 Pregnancy‐Unique Quantification of Emesis (PUQE) indexTable 38.2 Differential diagnosis of nausea and vomitingTable 38.3 Initial laboratory evaluationTable 38.4 Pharmacological agents for use in nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

27 Chapter 40Table 40.1 Association of oligohydramnios and adverse perinatal outcomeTable 40.2 Comparison of use of amniotic fluid index or mean vertical pocket ...Table 40.3 Etiologies of polyhydramniosTable 40.4 Outcomes of polyhydramnios based on severity

28 Chapter 41Table 41.1 Selected FGR etiologies and associations

29 Chapter 42Table 42.1 Non‐RhD antibodies and associated hemolytic disease of the fetus o...Table 42.2 Other indications for Rhesus immune globulin administration

30 Chapter 43Table 43.1 Survival and major morbidities by gestational age at birth in 2008

31 Chapter 44Table 44.1 Risk factors for preterm birth

32 Chapter 46Table 46.1 Timing of indicated deliveries in the late‐preterm and early‐term ...

33 Chapter 47Table 47.1 Abnormal amniotic fluid results confirmatory of intraamniotic infe...

34 Chapter 48Table 48.1 Blood product replacementsTable 48.2 Causes of third‐trimester bleeding

35 Chapter 49Table 49.1 Proposed diagnostic criteria for the case definition of AFETable 49.2 Differential diagnosis of AFETable 49.3 Agents used in cardiovascular resuscitation and right‐sided heart ...

36 Chapter 50Table 50.1 Drugs used to treat hypertension in pregnancyTable 50.2 Protocols for treatment of severe hypertension (systolic blood pre...

37 Chapter 51Table 51.1 Elective induction of labor checklist among low‐risk women with ve...Table 51.2 Bishop pelvic scoring systemTable 51.3 Examples of low‐ and high‐dose oxytocin infusion protocols for lab...Table 51.4 Clinical pearls for the diagnosis of failed labor inductionTable 51.5 Elective induction of labor: a framework for shared decision makin...

38 Chapter 52Table 52.1 Standardized fetal heart rate (FHR) definitionsTable 52.2 Fetal heart rate (FHR) categoriesTable 52.3 Potential causes of prolonged decelerationTable 52.4 Intrapartum FHR monitoring “ABCD” checklist

39 Chapter 56Table 56.1 Risk (%) for shoulder dystocia based on fetal weight, diabetic sta...

40 Chapter 57Table 57.1 Frequency of presentationTable 57.2 Maternal complications inmultifetal pregnanciesTable 57.3 Fetal complications in multifetal pregnanciesTable 57.4 Staging of twin‐to‐twin transfusion syndrome

41 Chapter 58Table 58.1 Risk factors for postpartum hemorrhageTable 58.2 Medical treatment for uterine atony

42 Appendix ATable A.1 Relationship between nuchal translucency thickness and pregnancy outco...Table A.2 Estimated rates of karyotypic abnormalities related to maternal age at...Table A.3 Performance of cell‐free DNA screening for common aneuploidiesTable A.4 Significance of chromosomal microarray in fetuses with normal karyotyp...Table A.5 Frequency of chromosome aberrations in newborns (modified from a summa...Table A.6 Common conditions that can be screened for using cell‐free DNATable A.7 Common disorders that can be diagnosed prenatally by invasive genetic ...Table A.8 Relative timing and developmental pathology of certain malformations...Table A.9 Performance of first‐trimester ultrasound in detection of fetal anomal...Table A.10 Expected detection rates of fetal malformations in the first trimeste...Table A.11 Expected detection rates of fetal malformations in the second trimest...Table A.12 Prevalence of major cardiac defects by nuchal translucency thickness ...Table A.13 Screening for congenital heart disease: performance of current strate...Table A.14 Increased risk for neural tube defect (NTD)Table A.15 Serial sonographic surveillance for twin pregnanciesTable A.16 Staging criteria for twin–twin transfusion syndromeTable A.17 Drugs associated with congenital malformations in humansTable A.18 Hemolytic disease resulting from irregular antibodiesTable A.19 Fetal blood sampling

Protocols for High-Risk Pregnancies

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