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The NCBI Protein Database
ОглавлениеNCBI maintains the Protein database, which derives its content from a number of sources. These include the translations of the annotated coding regions from INSDC databases described above, from RefSeq (Box 1.2), and from NCBI's Third Party Annotation (TPA) database. The TPA dataset is quite interesting in its own right, as it captures both experimental and inferential data provided by the scientific community to supplement the information found in an INSDC nucleotide entry. As the name suggests, the information in the TPA is provided by third parties and not by the original submitter of the corresponding INSDC entry. The NCBI Protein database also includes additional non-NCBI sources of protein sequence data, including Swiss-Prot, PIR, PDB, and the Protein Research Foundation. Step-by-step methods for performing searches against the NCBI Protein database are described in detail in Chapter 3.