Читать книгу A Guide to the Scientific Career - Группа авторов - Страница 7

A Guide to the Scientific Career Virtues, Communication, Research, and AcademicWriting


Edited by

Mohammadali M. Shoja, MD

Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran Division of General Surgery, University of Illinois at Chicago Metropolitan Group Hospitals, Chicago, IL, USA

Anastasia Arynchyna, MPH, CCRP

Pediatric Neurosurgery, Children's of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, USA

Marios Loukas, MD, PhD

Department of Anatomical Sciences, St. George's University School of Medicine, St. Georg's Grenada, West Indies

Anthony V. D'Antoni, MS, DC, PhD

Division of Anatomy, Department of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Sandra M. Buerger, PhD

Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, College of General Studies, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA

Marion Karl, MFA, MS

Lure Animations, Reno, NV, USA

R. Shane Tubbs, Ph.D., PA-C, MSc

Seattle Science Foundation, Seattle, WA, USA

A Guide to the Scientific Career

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