Читать книгу Sustainable Food Packaging Technology - Группа авторов - Страница 43
Оглавление1 1 Szczepańska, N., Kudłak, B., and Namieśnik, J. (2018). Recent advances in assessing xenobiotics migrating from packaging material: a review. Analytica Chimica Acta 1023: 1–21.
2 2 Krishna, A., Cian, L., and Aydınoğlu, N.Z. (2017). Sensory aspects of package design. Journal of Retailing 93 (1): 43–54.
3 3 Kim, D. and Seo, J. (2018). A review: breathable films for packaging applications. Trends in Food Science & Technology 76: 15–27.
4 4 Hahladakis, J.N., Velis, C.A., Weber, R. et al. (2018). An overview of chemical additives present in plastics: migration, release, fate and environmental impact during their use, disposal and recycling. Journal of Hazardous Materials 344: 179–199.
5 5 Geueke, B., Groh, K., and Muncke, J. (2018). Food packaging in the circular economy: overview of chemical safety aspects for commonly used materials. Journal of Cleaner Production 193: 491–505.
6 6 Dilkes‐Hoffman, L.S., Lane, J.L., Grant, T. et al. (2018). Environmental impact of biodegradable food packaging when considering food waste. Journal of Cleaner Production 180: 325–334.
7 7 Romani, V.P., Machado, A.V., Olsen, B.D., and Martins, V.G. (2018). Effects of pH modification in proteins from fish (Whitemouth croaker) and their application in food packaging films. Food Hydrocolloids 74: 307–314.
8 8 Kurek, M., Ščetar, M., and Galić, K. (2017). Edible coatings minimize fat uptake in deep fat fried products: a review. Food Hydrocolloids 71: 225–235.
9 9 Otoni, C.G., Avena‐Bustillos, R.J., Olsen, C.W. et al. (2016). Mechanical and water barrier properties of isolated soy protein composite edible films as affected by carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde micro and nanoemulsions. Food Hydrocolloids 57: 72–79.
10 10 Tavassoli‐Kafrani, E., Shekarchizadeh, H., and Masoudpour‐Behabadi, M. (2016). Development of edible films and coatings from alginates and carrageenans. Carbohydrate Polymers 137: 360–374.
11 11 Bertuzzi, M.A. and Slavutsky, A.M. (2016). Standard and new processing techniques used in the preparation of films and coatings at the lab level and scale‐up. In: Edible Films and Coatings (eds. M.P.M. García, M.C. Gómez‐Guillén, M.E. López‐Caballero and G.V. Barbosa‐Cánovas), 21–42. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
12 12 de la Caba, K., Guerrero, P., Trung, T.S. et al. (2019). From seafood waste to active seafood packaging: an emerging opportunity of the circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production 208: 86–98.
13 13 Suresh, P.V., Kudre, T.G., and Johny, L.C. (2018). Sustainable valorization of seafood processing by‐product/discard. In: Waste to Wealth (eds. R.R. Singhania, R.A. Agarwal, R.P. Kumar and R.K. Sukumaran), 111–139. Singapore: Springer.
14 14 FAO (2018). The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States.
15 15 Kafle, G.K., Kim, S.H., and Sung, K.I. (2013). Ensiling of fish industry waste for biogas production: a lab scale evaluation of biochemical methane potential (BMP) and kinetics. Bioresource Technology 127: 326–336.
16 16 Ferraro, V., Gaillard‐Martinie, B., Sayd, T. et al. (2017). Collagen type I from bovine bone. Effect of animal age, bone anatomy and drying methodology on extraction yield, self‐assembly, thermal behaviour and electrokinetic potential. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 97: 55–66.
17 17 Venkatesan, J., Anil, S., Kim, S.K., and Shim, M.S. (2017). Marine fish proteins and peptides for cosmeceuticals: a review. Marine Drugs 15 (5): 143.
18 18 Huang, T., Tu, Z.C., Wang, H. et al. (2017). Pectin and enzyme complex modified fish scales gelatin: rheological behavior, gel properties and nanostructure. Carbohydrate Polymers 156: 294–302.
19 19 Lin, L., Regenstein, J.M., Lv, S. et al. (2017). An overview of gelatin derived from aquatic animals: properties and modification. Trends in Food Science & Technology 68: 102–112.
20 20 Sinthusamran, S., Benjakul, S., and Kishimura, H. (2014). Characteristics and gel properties of gelatin from skin of seabass (Lates calcarifer) as influenced by extraction conditions. Food Chemistry 152: 276–284.
21 21 Arya, S.K., Manohar, M., Singh, G., and Siddiqui, W.A. (2017). Chitin and chitosan‐complexes and their applications. In: Chitosan: Derivatives, Composites and Applications (eds. S. Ahmed and S. Ikram), 151–165. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
22 22 Hamed, I., Özogul, F., and Regenstein, J.M. (2016). Industrial applications of crustacean by‐products (chitin, chitosan, and chitooligosaccharides): a review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 48: 40–50.
23 23 Sayari, N., Sila, A., Abdelmalek, B.E. et al. (2016). Chitin and chitosan from the Norway lobster by‐products: antimicrobial and anti‐proliferative activities. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 87: 163–171.
24 24 Soares, N.M., Fernandes, T.A., and Vicente, A.A. (2016). Effect of variables on the thickness of an edible coating applied on frozen fish‐establishment of the concept of safe dipping time. Journal of Food Engineering 171: 111–118.
25 25 Rocha, M.A.M., Coimbra, M.A., and Nunes, C. (2017). Applications of chitosan and their derivatives in beverages: a critical review. Current Opinion in Food Science 15: 61–69.
26 26 Chen, J., Li, L., Yi, R. et al. (2016a). Extraction and characterization of acid‐soluble collagen from scales and skin of tilapia (Oreachromis niloticus). LWT Food Science and Technology 66: 453–459.
27 27 Ahmed, R., Getachew, A.T., Cho, Y., and Chun, B. (2018). Application of bacterial collagenolytic proteases for the extraction of type I collagen from the skin of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus). LWT Food Science and Technology 89: 44–51.
28 28 Kittiphattanabawon, P., Benjakul, S., Sinthusamran, S., and Kishimura, H. (2016). Gelatin from clown featherback skin: extraction conditions. LWT Food Science and Technology 66: 186–192.
29 29 See, S.F., Ghassem, M., Mamot, S., and Babji, A.S. (2015). Effect of different pretreatments on functional properties of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) skin gelatin. Journal of Food Science and Technology 52 (2): 753–762.
30 30 Chen, S., Tang, L., Hao, G. et al. (2016c). Effects of α1/α2 ratios and drying temperatures on the properties of gelatin films prepared from tilapia (Tilapia zillii) skins. Food Hydrocolloids 52: 573–580.
31 31 Tkaczewska, J., Morawska, M., Kulawik, P., and Zając, M. (2018). Characterization of carp (Cyprinus carpio) skin gelatin extracted using different pretreatments method. Food Hydrocolloids 81: 169–179.
32 32 Sae‐leaw, T., Benjakul, S., and O'Brien, N.M. (2016). Effects of defatting and tannic acid incorporation during extraction on properties and fishy odour of gelatin from seabass skin. LWT Food Science and Technology 65: 661–667.
33 33 Ali, A.M.M., Kishimura, H., and Benjakul, S. (2018). Physicochemical and molecular properties of gelatin from skin of Golden carp (Probarbus Jullieni) as influenced by acid pretreatment and prior‐ultrasonication. Food Hydrocolloids 82: 164–172.
34 34 Gomez, A.V.A., Gomez, G., Chamorro, E. et al. (2018). Digestive aspartic protease from sábalo (Prochilodus lineatus): characterization and application for collagen extraction. Food Chemistry 269: 610–617.
35 35 Chuaychan, S., Benjakul, S., and Nuthong, P. (2016). Element distribution and morphology of spotted golden goatfish fish scales as affected by demineralisation. Food Chemistry 197: 814–820.
36 36 Wang, L., Liang, Q., Chen, T. et al. (2014). Characterization of collagen from the skin of Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii). Food Hydrocolloids 38: 104–109.
37 37 Liao, W., Guanghua, X., Li, Y. et al. (2018). Comparison of characteristics and fibril‐forming ability of skin collagen from barramundi (Lates calcarifer) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 107: 549–559.
38 38 Liu, D., Wei, G., Li, T. et al. (2015). Effects of alkaline pretreatments and acid extraction conditions on the acid‐soluble collagen from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) skin. Food Chemistry 172: 836–843.
39 39 Liang, Q., Wang, L., Sun, W. et al. (2014a). Isolation and characterization of collagen from the cartilage of Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii). Process Biochemistry 49 (2): 318–323.
40 40 Chuaychan, S., Benjakul, S., and Kishimura, H. (2015). Characteristics of acid‐ and pepsin‐soluble collagens from scale of seabass (Lates calcarifer). LWT Food Science and Technology 63 (1): 71–76.
41 41 Tan, Y. and Chang, S.K.C. (2018). Isolation and characterization of collagen extracted from cannel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) skin. Food Chemistry 242: 147–155.
42 42 Hanjabam, M.D., Kannaiyan, S.K., Kamei, G. et al. (2015). Optimisation of gelatin extraction from unicorn leatherjacket (Aluterus Monoceros) skin waste: response surface approach. Journal of Food Science and Technology 52 (2): 976–983.
43 43 Pal, G.K., Nidheesh, T., and Suresh, P.V. (2015). Comparative study on characteristics and in vitro fibril formation ability of acid and pepsin soluble collagen from the skin of catla (Catla catla) and rohu (Labeo rohita). Food Research International 76: 804–812.
44 44 Thuy, L.T.M., Okazaki, E., and Osako, K. (2014). Isolation and characterization of acid‐soluble collagen from the scales of marine fishes from Japan and Vietnam. Food Chemistry 149: 264–270.
45 45 Pal, G.K. and Suresh, P.V. (2016). Sustainable valorisation of seafood by‐products: recovery of collagen and development of collagen‐based novel functional food ingredients. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 37: 201–215.
46 46 Ahmad, T., Ismail, A., Ahmad, S.A. et al. (2017). Recent advances on the role of process variables affecting gelatin yield and characteristics with special reference to enzymatic extraction: a review. Food Hydrocolloids 63: 85–96.
47 47 Jridi, M., Nasri, R., Salem, R.B.S.B. et al. (2015). Chemical and biophysical properties of gelatins extracted from the skin of octopus (Octopus vulgaris). LWT Food Science and Technology 60 (2): 881–889.
48 48 Sila, A., Martinez‐Alvarez, O., Haddar, A. et al. (2015). Recovery, viscoelastic and functional properties of Barbel skin gelatine: investigation of anti‐DPP‐IV and anti‐prolyl endopeptidase activities of generated gelatine polypeptides. Food Chemistry 168: 478–486.
49 49 Abdollahi, M., Rezaei, M., Jafarpour, A., and Undeland, I. (2018). Sequential extraction of gel‐forming proteins, collagen and collagen hydrolysate from gutted silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), a biorefinery approach. Food Chemistry 242: 568–578.
50 50 Jeevithan, E., Wu, W., Nanping, W. et al. (2014). Isolation, purification and characterization of pepsin soluble collagen isolated from silvertip shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) skeletal and head bone. Process Biochemistry 49 (10): 1767–1777.
51 51 Chen, S., Chen, H., Xie, Q. et al. (2016b). Rapid isolation of high purity pepsin‐soluble type I collagen from scales of red drum fish (Scianops ocellatus). Food Hydrocolloids 52: 468–477.
52 52 Liang, Q., Wang, L., He, Y. et al. (2014b). Hydrolysis kinetics and antioxidant activity of collagen under simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Journal of Functional Foods 11: 493–499.
53 53 Zou, Y., Wang, L., Cai, P. et al. (2017). Effect of ultrasound assisted extraction on the physicochemical and functional properties of collagen from soft‐shelled turtle calipash. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105: 1602–1610.
54 54 Huang, C.Y., Kuo, J.M., Wu, S.J., and Tsai, H.T. (2016). Isolation and characterization of fish scale collagen from tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) by a novel extrusion‐hydroextraction process. Food Chemistry 190: 997–1006.
55 55 Hattrem, M.N., Molnes, S., Haug, I.J., and Draget, K.I. (2015). Interfacial and rheological properties of gelatin based solid emulsions prepared with acid or alkali pretreated gelatins. Food Hydrocolloids 43: 700–707.
56 56 Liu, Y., Xia, L., Jia, H. et al. (2017). Physiochemical and functional properties of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) skin gelatin extracted at different temperatures. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97 (15): 5406–5413.
57 57 Garrido, T., Uranga, J., Guerrero, P., and de la Caba, K. (2018). The potential of vegetal and animal proteins to develop more sustainable food packaging. In: Polymers for Food Applications (ed. T. Gutiérrez), 25–59. Singapore: Springer.
58 58 Abdelhedi, O., Jridi, M., Nasri, R. et al. (2019). Rheological and structural properties of Hemiramphus far skin gelatin: potential use as an active fish coating agent. Food Hydrocolloids 87: 331–341.
59 59 Abdelmalek, B.E., Gómez‐Estaca, J., Sila, A. et al. (2016). Characteristics and functional properties of gelatin extracted from squid (Loligo vulgaris) skin. LWT Food Science and Technology 65: 924–931.
60 60 Etxabide, A., Garrido, T., Uranga, J. et al. (2018). Extraction and incorporation of bioactives into protein formulations for food and biomedical applications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 120: 2094–2105.
61 61 Ananey‐Obiri, D., Matthews, L., Azahrani, M.H. et al. (2018). Application of protein‐based edible coatings for fat uptake reduction in deep‐fat fried foods with an emphasis on muscle food proteins. Trends in Food Science & Technology 80: 167–174.
62 62 Khalil, H.P.S.A., Banerjee, A., Saurabh, C.K. et al. (2018). Biodegradable films for fruits and vegetables packaging application: preparation and properties. Food Engineering Reviews 10 (3): 139–153.
63 63 Uranga, J., Etxabide, A., Guerrero, P., and de la Caba, K. (2018). Development of active fish gelatin films with anthocyanins by compression molding. Food Hydrocolloids 84: 313–320.
64 64 Etxabide, A., de la Caba, K., and Guerrero, P. (2016a). A novel approach to manufacture porous biocomposites using extrusion and injection moulding. European Polymer Journal 82: 324–333.
65 65 Hosseini, S.F. and Gómez‐Guillén, M.C. (2018). A state‐of‐the‐art review on the elaboration of fish gelatin as bioactive packaging: special emphasis on nanotechnology‐based approaches. Trends in Food Science & Technology 79: 125–135.
66 66 Armentano, I., Fortunati, E., Burgos, N. et al. (2015). Bio‐based PLA_PHB plasticized blend films: processing and structural characterization. LWT Food Science and Technology 64 (2): 980–988.
67 67 Mkandawire, M. and Aryee, A.N.A. (2018). Resurfacing and modernization of edible packaging material technology. Current Opinion in Food Science 19: 104–112.
68 68 Bermúdez‐Oria, A., Rodríguez‐Gutiérrez, G., Vioque, B. et al. (2017). Physical and functional properties of pectin‐fish gelatin films containing the olive phenols hydroxytyrosol and 3,4‐dihydroxyphenylglycol. Carbohydrate Polymers 178: 368–377.
69 69 Drakos, A., Pelava, E., and Evageliou, V. (2018). Properties of flour films as affected by the flour's source and particle size. Food Research International 107: 551–558.
70 70 Tongnuanchan, P., Benjakul, S., Prodpran, T. et al. (2016). Mechanical, thermal and heat sealing properties of fish skin gelatin film containing palm oil and basil essential oil with different surfactants. Food Hydrocolloids 56: 93–107.
71 71 Amalini, A.N., Norziah, M.H., Khan, I., and Haafiz, M.K.M. (2018). Exploring the properties of modified fish gelatin films incorporated with different fatty acid sucrose esters. Food Packaging and Shelf Life 15: 105–112.
72 72 Kchaou, H., Benbettaïeb, N., Jridi, M. et al. (2018). Enhancement of structural, functional and antioxidant properties of fish gelatin films using Maillard reactions. Food Hydrocolloids 83: 326–339.
73 73 Ahmad, M., Hani, N.M., Nirmal, N.P. et al. (2015). Optical and thermo‐mechanical properties of composite films based on fish gelatin/rice flour fabricated by casting technique. Progress in Organic Coatings 84: 115–127.
74 74 Hanani, Z.A.N., Roos, Y.H., and Kerry, J.P. (2014). Use and application of gelatin as potential biodegradable packaging materials for food products. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 71: 94–102.
75 75 Mohajer, S., Rezaei, M., and Hosseini, S.F. (2017). Physico‐chemical and microstructural properties of fish gelatin/agar bio‐based blend films. Carbohydrate Polymers 157: 784–793.
76 76 Nilsuwan, K., Benjakul, S., and Prodpran, T. (2018a). Physical/thermal properties and heat seal ability of bilayer films based on fish gelatin and poly(lactic acid). Food Hydrocolloids 77: 248–256.
77 77 Arfat, Y.A., Benjakul, S., Prodpran, T. et al. (2016). Physico‐mechanical characterization and antimicrobial properties of fish protein isolate/fish skin gelatin‐zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocomposite films. Food and Bioprocess Technology 9 (1): 101–112.
78 78 Riquelme, N., Díaz‐Calderón, P., Enrione, J., and Matiacevich, S. (2015). Effect of physical state of gelatin‐plasticizer based films on to the occurrence of Maillard reactions. Food Chemistry 175: 478–484.
79 79 Acosta, S., Jiménez, A., Cháfer, M. et al. (2015). Physical properties and stability of starch‐gelatin based films as affected by the addition of esters of fatty acids. Food Hydrocolloids 49: 135–143.
80 80 Uranga, J., Leceta, I., Etxabide, A. et al. (2016). Cross‐linking of fish gelatins to develop sustainable films with enhanced properties. European Polymer Journal 78: 82–90.
81 81 Guerreiro, T.M., de Oliveira, D.N., Melo, C.F.O.R. et al. (2018). Migration from plastic packaging into meat. Food Research International 109: 320–324.
82 82 Dehghani, S., Hosseini, S.V., and Regenstein, J.M. (2018). Edible films and coatings in seafood preservation: a review. Food Chemistry 240: 505–513.
83 83 Gómez‐Estaca, J., López‐Caballero, M.E., Martínez‐Bartolomé, M.Á. et al. (2018). The effect of the combined use of high pressure treatment and antimicrobial edible film on the quality of salmon carpaccio. International Journal of Food Microbiology 283: 28–36.
84 84 Azeredo, H.M.C. and Waldron, K.W. (2016). Crosslinking in polysaccharide and protein films and coatings for food contact: a review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 52: 109–122.
85 85 Etxabide, A., Urdanpilleta, M., de la Caba, K., and Guerrero, P. (2016b). Control of cross‐linking reaction to tailor the properties of thin films based on gelatin. Materials Letters 185: 366–369.
86 86 Taghizadeh, M., Mohammadifar, M.A., Sadeghi, E. et al. (2018). Photosensitizer‐induced cross‐linking: a novel approach for improvement of physicochemical and structural properties of gelatin edible films. Food Research International 112: 90–97.
87 87 Sun, X., Guo, X., Ji, M. et al. (2019). Preservative effects of fish gelatin coating enriched with CUR/βCD emulsion on grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets during storage at 4 °C. Food Chemistry 272: 643–652.
88 88 Adilah, A.N., Jamilah, B., Noranizan, M.A., and Hanani, Z.A.N. (2018). Utilization of mango peel extracts on the biodegradable films for active packaging. Food Packaging and Shelf Life 16: 1–7.
89 89 Benbettaïeb, N., Tanner, C., Cayot, P. et al. (2018). Impact of functional properties and release kinetics on antioxidant activity of biopolymer active films and coatings. Food Chemistry 242: 369–377.
90 90 Kim, H., Beak, S.E., and Song, K.B. (2018). Development of a hagfish skin gelatin film containing cinnamon bark essential oil. LWT Food Science and Technology 96: 583–588.
91 91 Nilsuwan, K., Benjakul, S., and Prodpran, T. (2018b). Properties and antioxidative activity of fish gelatin‐based film incorporated with epigallocatechin gallate. Food Hydrocolloids 80: 212–221.
92 92 Wu, J., Sun, X., Guo, X. et al. (2018). Physicochemical, antioxidant, in vitro release, and heat sealing properties of fish gelatin films incorporated with β‐cyclodextrin/curcumin complexes for apple juice preservation. Food and Bioprocess Technology 11 (2): 447–461.
93 93 Feng, X., Ng, V.K., Mikš‐Krajnik, M., and Yang, H. (2017). Effects of fish gelatin and tea polyphenol coating on the spoilage and degradation of myofibril in fish fillet during cold storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology 10 (1): 89–102.
94 94 Liang, C., Jia, M., Tian, D. et al. (2017). Edible sturgeon skin gelatine films: tensile strength and UV light‐barrier as enhanced by blending with esculine. Journal of Functional Foods 37: 219–228.
95 95 López, D., Márquez, A., Gutiérrez‐Cutiño, M. et al. (2017). Edible film with antioxidant capacity based on salmon gelatin and boldine. LWT Food Science and Technology 77: 160–169.
96 96 Benbettaïeb, N., Chambin, O., Assifaoui, A. et al. (2016). Release of coumarin incorporated into chitosan‐gelatin irradiated films. Food Hydrocolloids 56: 266–276.
97 97 Feng, X., Bansal, N., and Yang, H. (2016). Fish gelatin combined with chitosan coating inhibits myofibril degradation of golden pomfret (Trachinotus blochii) fillet during cold storage. Food Chemistry 200: 283–292.
98 98 Chin, S.S., Lyn, F.H., and Hanani, Z.A.N. (2017). Effect of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel on the physical and functional properties of fish gelatin films as active packaging. Food Packaging and Shelf Life 12: 128–134.
99 99 Kchaou, H., Jridi, M., Abdelhedi, O. et al. (2017). Development and characterization of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) skin gelatin‐protein isolate blend films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105: 1491–1500.
100 100 Garrido, T., Etxabide, A., de la Caba, K., and Guerrero, P. (2017). Versatile soy protein films and hydrogels by the incorporation of β‐chitin from squid pens (Loligo sp.). Green Chemistry 19 (24): 5923–5931.
101 101 Hou, Y., Shavandi, A., Carne, A. et al. (2016). Marine shells: potential opportunities for extraction of functional and health‐promoting materials. Environmental Science and Technology 46 (11–12): 1047–1116.
102 102 Muxika, A., Etxabide, A., Uranga, J. et al. (2017). Chitosan as a bioactive polymer: processing, properties and applications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 105: 1358–1368.
103 103 Castillo, L.A., Farenzena, S., Pintos, E. et al. (2017). Active films based on thermoplastic corn starch and chitosan oligomer for food packaging applications. Food Packaging and Shelf Life 14: 128–136.
104 104 Baron, R.D., Pérez, L.L., Salcedo, J.M. et al. (2017). Production and characterization of films based on blends of chitosan from blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) waste and pectin from orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) peel. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 98: 676–683.
105 105 Huang, C.Y., Kuo, C.H., Wu, C.H. et al. (2018). Extraction of crude chitosans from squid (Illex argentinus) pen by a compressional puffing‐pretreatment process and evaluation of their antibacterial activity. Food Chemistry 254: 217–223.
106 106 Sedaghat, F., Yousefzadi, M., Toiserkani, H., and Najafipour, S. (2017). Bioconversion of shrimp waste Penaeus merguiensis using lactic acid fermentation: an alternative procedure for chemical extraction of chitin and chitosan. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 104: 883–888.
107 107 Zhang, H., Yun, S., Song, L. et al. (2017). The preparation and characterization of chitin and chitosan under large‐scale submerged fermentation level using shrimp by‐products as substrate. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 96: 334–339.
108 108 Shavandi, A., Hu, Z., Teh, S.S. et al. (2017). Antioxidant and functional properties of protein hydrolysates obtained from squid pen chitosan extraction effluent. Food Chemistry 227: 194–201.
109 109 Pachapur, V.L., Guemiza, K., Rouissi, T. et al. (2015). Novel biological and chemical methods of chitin extraction from crustacean waste using saline water. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 91 (8): 2331–2339.
110 110 Lopes, C., Antelo, L.T., Franco‐Uría, A. et al. (2018). Chitin production from crustacean biomass: sustainability assessment of chemical and enzymatic processes. Journal of Cleaner Production 172: 4140–4151.
111 111 El Knidri, H., El Khalfaouy, R., Laajeb, A. et al. (2016). Eco‐friendly extraction and characterization of chitin and chitosan from the shrimp shell waste via microwave irradiation. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 104: 395–405.
112 112 Chen, G., Ali, F., Dong, S. et al. (2018). Preparation, characterization and functional evaluation of chitosan‐based films with zein coatings produced by cold plasma. Carbohydrate Polymers 202: 39–46.
113 113 Priyadarshi, R., Sauraj, R., Kumar, B. et al. (2018). Chitosan films incorporated with Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) kernel essential oil as active food packaging material. Food Hydrocolloids 85: 158–166.
114 114 Zhang, C., Wang, Z., Li, Y. et al. (2019a). The preparation and physiochemical characterization of rapeseed protein hydrolysate‐chitosan composite films. Food Chemistry 272: 694–701.
115 115 Bonilla, F., Chouljenko, A., Reyes, V. et al. (2018). Impact of chitosan application technique on refrigerated catfish fillet quality. LWT Food Science and Technology 90: 277–282.
116 116 Limchoowong, N., Sricharoen, P., Techawongstien, S., and Chanthai, S. (2016). An iodine supplementation of tomato fruits coated with an edible film of the iodide‐doped chitosan. Food Chemistry 200: 223–229.
117 117 Galvis‐Sánchez, A.C., Castro, M.C.R., Biernacki, K. et al. (2018). Natural deep eutectic solvents as green plasticizers for chitosan thermoplastic production with controlled/desired mechanical and barrier properties. Food Hydrocolloids 82: 478–489.
118 118 Guerrero, P., Muxika, A., Zarandona, I., and de la Caba, K. (2019). Crosslinking of chitosan films processed by compression molding. Carbohydrate Polymers 206: 820–826.
119 119 Valencia‐Sullca, C., Atarés, L., Vargas, M., and Chiralt, A. (2018). Physical and antimicrobial properties of compression‐molded cassava starch‐chitosan films for meat preservation. Food and Bioprocess Technology 11 (7): 1339–1349.
120 120 Zhang, J., Zou, X., Zhai, X. et al. (2019b). Preparation of an intelligent pH film based on biodegradable polymers and roselle anthocyanins for monitoring pork freshness. Food Chemistry 272: 306–312.
121 121 Wang, X., Yong, H., Gao, L. et al. (2019). Preparation and characterization of antioxidant and pH‐sensitive films based on chitosan and black soybean seed coat extract. Food Hydrocolloids 89: 56–66.
122 122 Leceta, I., Molinaro, S., Guerrero, P. et al. (2015). Quality attributes of map packaged ready‐to‐eat baby carrots by using chitosan‐based coatings. Postharvest Biology and Technology 100: 142–150.
123 123 El‐hamahmy, M.A.M., ElSayed, A.I., and Odero, D.C. (2017). Physiological effects of hot water dipping, chitosan coating and gibberellic acid on shelf‐life and quality assurance of sugar snap peas (Pisum sativum L. var. macrocarpon). Food Packaging and Shelf Life 11: 58–66.
124 124 Halim, A.L.A., Kamari, A., and Phillip, E. (2018). Chitosan, gelatin and methylcellulose films incorporated with tannic acid for food packaging. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 120: 1119–1126.
125 125 Na, S., Kim, J.H., Jang, H.J. et al. (2018). Shelf life extension of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) using chitosan and ɛ‐polylysine during cold storage. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 115: 1103–1108.
126 126 Serrano‐León, J.S., Bergamaschi, K.B., Yoshida, C.M.P. et al. (2018). Chitosan active films containing agro‐industrial residue extracts for shelf life extension of chicken restructured product. Food Research International 108: 93–100.
127 127 Alsaggaf, M.S., Moussa, S.H., and Tayel, A.A. (2017). Application of fungal chitosan incorporated with pomegranate peel extract as edible coating for microbiological, chemical and sensorial quality enhancement of Nile tilapia fillets. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 99: 499–505.
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