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1.2 Industrial Internet of Things


The concept of “Internet of Things” has its core concepts set out as the interconnection of devices that have the capability to talk to themselves and “act” or take “decisions” based on each other’s statuses.

Usage of Industrial grade sensors to monitor industrial processes in real time and later achieving their interconnection is called Industrial Internet of Things.

Modern day refineries and pipelines consist of numerous numbers of sensors. The data that is generated is huge. This poses as a great opportunity to drive data analytics and Industrial Internet of things in this sector [6].

IIoT is the utilization of smart sensors (or actuators) to enhance manufacturing and industrial processes. The idea behind IIoT is intelligent machines are made better humans at capturing and analyzing data in real time, in addition they are also made better at prompting information that can be used to make decisions in lesser time and more effectively [7].

Internet of Things in Business Transformation

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