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Regenerative Medicine Strategies Involving Biomaterials


Biomaterials used in regenerative medicine are constructed to support restoration of biological properties of original tissue. Biomaterials may act as a carrier for transplanted cells and provide support for structured tissue formation by endogenous cells. Biomaterials may be synthetic materials, or they may be derived from natural substances. In some instances, both techniques are used. Tissue matrices from naturally derived materials are considered to have biological properties that can mimic native tissue or organ extracellular matrices. Synthetic polymers, naturally derived materials, and acellular tissue matrices are the three primary classes of biomaterials that may be used in regenerative medicine therapies for the bladder and other organs. On the other hand, synthetic scaffolds can be produced on a large scale with controlled properties of strength, microstructure, and degradation rate.

One advantage to using biomaterials is that they can physically control where and when injected cell suspensions localize in the body. Biomaterials can also provide guidance for appropriate development of new tissues. Furthermore, biomaterials are specially designed as artificial extracellular matrices that can deliver growth factor signals to regulate and improve cellular function.

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research

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