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On Wonder, Beauty, and Nature

Yosemite is known worldwide for its beauty. The waterfalls and glacially sculpted domes and valleys have called generations of painters, writers, and photographers. The wonder and awe of Yosemite Valley inspired citizens to have their lawmakers protect this land and to develop the national park system. Few visit this landscape without being moved. Behind the grandeur are infinite layers of beauty, wonder, and complexity, that can be observed by those with the patience of a naturalist attuned to the senses and subtleties of the place. This allows for a deeper and more transformative experience of Yosemite. Robb Hirsch has spent decades immersing himself in the art, science, and history of this landscape. The images in this book are a window, not just to the glory of Yosemite but to a way of seeing. His photographs, informed by love and patient study, contain lessons for the photographer, naturalist, hiker, or curious rambler.

The first step to engaging with nature is to go outside. Build time in nature into your routine. You do not need to be in a national park or to go to great extremes or even to go someplace new to make discoveries. Any place where you can find plants or birds is a great start. Even if you only have fifteen minutes, a little nature break helps you find peace and calm. Lay the foundation for your nature connection by focusing your attention, and staying with a subject, to find the novel in the familiar. Hone these skills in your own backyard. When you find yourself in a place as grand as Yosemite, you are primed to get even more from the experience.


If spending time in nature is already a part of your life, push yourself to go further. Get out and explore at unusual times, especially when it is inconvenient or uncomfortable. Early morning and late in the evening are magical times to be outside, yet most people remain indoors and miss the long shadows, sunrise and sunset. If you want to see something special, “bad” weather is good weather. Everyone comes out on a sunny day, but real treasures are hidden on a frosty morning, in a heavy fog, in a breaking rainstorm, or during falling snow. You may risk cold fingers or wet boots, but these are small prices to pay for finding something wonderful.

Once you are out the door, the world opens itself before you. Revel in the small things. Anyone can notice a spectacular sunset, but many people overlook the little things along the path to the scenic overlook. Search for microbeauties. Stop anywhere, along any trail, and take a beauty break. Look around and find a tiny moment of splendor. It could be the way the sun reflects off blades of grass, backlit leaves glowing yellow-green, the shape of a gnarled tree trunk, or snow atop a willow branch. Frame that moment with your hands as if you are taking a photograph and share it with a friend. The more you practice, the more you will find magnificence everywhere.

An insatiable curiosity drives Hirsch’s photography. Curiosity is not a fixed trait but an essential skill of the naturalist, to be nurtured and developed. Many of us have the illusion we understand the way things work and the cause-and-effect of ordinary events, but scratch beneath the surface and the world is a grand unknown. Countless small wonders surround us, but we need to train our minds to recognize them, to slow down and be amazed. Instead of searching for what you already know—familiar wildflowers or known rock types—seek that which is strange. Monitor your senses for the subtle feeling of “that’s odd.” Surprise is your physiological reaction to discovering that reality is different than what you expected. Lean into these moments and learn something new.

When you become curious about something, your brain washes with the neurotransmitter dopamine, attention becomes focused, and memory improves. It is fun, and your brain is ready for its best work. You do not need to wait for curiosity to strike. Initiate it whenever you want. Look for rabbit holes of wonder to go down. Explore how something works, or why it exists in that specific way. Understanding the processes behind your observations does not rob nature of its mystery. It amplifies the unfamiliar and deepens your appreciation. Scientific explanations help you see levels of nuance and complexity. An explanation can be a fresh platform from which to launch deeper inquiry. Curiosity is a happy hydra, where answering one question leads to other, more informed and subtle questions taking its place.

The deep nature connection that arises from these practices motivates and supports us to act as stewards of wild places and things. As powerful humans, we have the ability, privilege, and responsibility to act on behalf of nature. This work is challenging and taxing, but nature gives us patience and perseverance to do what we need to do. So wake early on a frosty morning. Step out into nature. Look for wonder and beauty, get curious, look deeply, and be moved. Nourish your heart in nature and let that love move you.

CALIFORNIA NEWT (Taricha torosa)

John Muir Laws

MAY 2019

John Muir Laws is a scientist, educator, and author whose work is at the intersection of science, art, and mindfulness, helping people forge deeper and more personal connections with nature. Trained as a wildlife biologist, he observes the world with rigorous attention, looking for mysteries, playing with ideas, and seeking connections. Curiosity and creative thinking are not gifts but skills that grow with training and deliberate practice. Jack teaches techniques and supports routines that develop these skills so they become a part of everyday life. An associate of the California Academy of Sciences, he has written several books, including Sierra Wildflowers, The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling, The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds, The Laws Guide to the Sierra Nevada, and Sierra Birds: A Hiker’s Guide.

The Nature of Yosemite

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