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ABC-X Model


The foundation for a systemic model of family stress lies in Hill’s (1949) classic research on war-induced separation and reunion. Although his ABC-X formulation has been expanded (e.g., Boss, 1988, 2002, 2013; Burr, Klein, & Associates, 1994; McCubbin, & McCubbin, 2013; McCubbin & Patterson, 1982; Walsh, 2013a), it has withstood careful assessment and is still the basis for analyzing family stress and coping (Boss, 2002, 2006; Darling, Senatore, & Strachan, 2012; Lavee, 2013). This family stress framework can be described as encompassing the following components: A (the provoking or stressor event of sufficient magnitude to result in change in a family)–interacting with B (the family’s resources or strengths)–interacting with C (the definition or meaning attached to the event by the family)–produces X (stress or crisis). The main idea is that the X factor is influenced by several other moderating phenomena. Stress or crisis is not seen as inherent in the event itself, but conceptually as a function of the response of the disturbed family system to the stressor (Boss, 1988, 2002, 2006; Burr, 1973; Hill, 1949; Lavee, 2013; Walsh, 2013a; See Figure 1.1.).

Families & Change

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