Читать книгу Complications in Equine Surgery - Группа авторов - Страница 231

List of Complications Associated with Loco‐Regional Anesthesia


 General complicationsVascular punctureNerve injuryMyotoxicityChondrotoxicityAllergic reactions

 Complications related to specific loco‐regional blocksEpidural AnalgesiaAtaxia/Recumbency

 Infection inside the spinal canal

 PruritusRetrobulbar Blocks

 Brainstem AnesthesiaInferior Alveolar Nerve Block

 Self‐Inflicted Lingual TraumaIntravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA)

 Tourniquet failure

 Local and systemic effects of tourniquet ischemia

Complications in Equine Surgery

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