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The occurrence of myositis and/or myonecrosis following the injection of a local anaesthetic solution into a muscle
Risk factors
Local anesthetic‐induced myotoxicity is concentration‐dependent, but it is observed at clinically relevant concentrations of all commonly used local anesthetics (e.g. bupivacaine 0.5%, mepivacaine 2%, lidocaine 2%).
The greatest risk of clinically relevant myopathy and myonecrosis is when local anesthetics are administered intramuscularly and repeatedly (either serially or continuously) [34].
Experimentally, all local anesthetics can cause toxicity to skeletal muscle with the most toxic being bupivacaine and the least being procaine [34]. Bupivacaine causes the most severe changes characterized by calcific myonecrosis, formation of scar tissue and a marked rate of fiber regeneration, which were observed 7 and 28 days after a continuous femoral nerve block in a study in pigs [32]. Injury mechanisms seem to involve early and late aberrations to cytoplasmic calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis by the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase [35].
Clinically, myotoxocity may cause muscular pain and dysfunction, although in most cases these changes seem to be regenerative and clinically imperceptible.
Clinically relevant myotoxicity is very rare and only described in the human literature. In humans, clinical cases of myotoxicity caused by local anesthetics have been described mostly following continuous peripheral blocks and peri‐ and retrobulbar blocks. . A recently published systematic review of the literature in humans showed that the incidence of myotoxicity in ophthalmic studies was 0.77% [35].
Using low concentrations of local anesthetics, especially of bupivacaine (<0.5%), may decrease the risk of myotoxicity, especially when serial or continuous administration is performed.
In vitro, co‐administration of erythropoietin, dantrolene or N‐acetylcysteine protects against bupivacaine‐induced myotoxicity, but the clinical relevance of these treatments is not known at present.
Clinically relevant myositits/myonecrosis will cause muscle pain and dysfunction. The symptoms usually start 1–2 days post‐injection and these are maximal at 3–4 days [36]. Human reports of local anesthetic‐induced myopathy describe the development of pain, swelling and tenderness of the affected muscle (particularly with activity or stretch). However, the most convincing clinical sign for the diagnosis is delayed onset of intense muscle weakness in the setting of normal sensory function and well‐maintained deep tendon reflexes [36]. Regeneration occurs 3–4 weeks post‐injection [34], and by this time clinical recovery is almost complete [36].
There is no specific treatment for this, but physical therapy should be instituted as soon as diagnosis is made to preserve remaining muscle function and promote recovery.
Expected outcome
The infrequency of this complication and the absence of equine reports makes it difficult to give a precise estimate of outcome should this complication occurs in horses. It is likely that a certain degree of subclinical myositis is present after many local blocks but this seems to be non‐significant. In the human literature, normal muscle function is recovered completely or almost completely within a few months post‐injection, ranging between 4 days to 1 year [35, 36]. None/partial and complete recovery were observed in 61% and 38% of patients, respectively [35].