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It has been recommended to withhold food for 2 hours following the block to prevent aspiration of feed or masticatory trauma to desensitized oral tissues [103]. Longer withholding times are necessary if a long‐acting local anesthetic is used (e.g. bupivacaine).

An intra‐oral technique has been described that uses a lower dose of anesthetic solution compared with the extra‐oral approach (5 mL vs. 10–20 mL) and allows a more precise placement, which may decrease the chance of tongue paralysis and post‐procedural self‐inflicted trauma [104].

It has been recommended that in cases where lingual nerve blockade is suspected, the horse should be resedated and a full mouth speculum maintained in place at the end of the procedure to prevent this complication until sensation returns to the tongue [102].

Complications in Equine Surgery

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