Читать книгу Industrial Carbon and Graphite Materials - Группа авторов - Страница 285 Uses and Economic Aspects


Worldwide annual consumption of industrial carbon was about 25 × 106 t/a in 1994, excluding metallurgical coke (see Table and Figure; main products are carbon anodes and carbon black. Two thirds of this margin is calcinate from petroleum coke [6, 7, 27, 28].

Table World Production of Industrial Carbon 1994.

Carbon products Production (t/a) Average product value ($/t) Market value (109 $/a)
From petroleum coke
Carbon anodes 9 × 106 700 6.3
Söderberg anodes 4 × 106 500 2.0
Graphite electrodes 1.1 × 106 5500 6.05
Reduction medium/TiO2 process 2 × 106 600 1.2
Partly from petroleum coke
Carbon cathodes 6 × 105 1300 0.78
From other products
Carbon black 8 × 106 1500 12
Activated carbons 5 × 105 3000 1.5
Carbon construction materials 1 × 105 800 0.8
Electrographite powder 8 × 104 1500 0.12
Carbon fibers 6 × 104 7 × 104 4.2
Synthetic diamonds 50 15 × 106 0.75
Total ∼24 × 106 ∼36

Figure Using of calcined petroleum coke 2014.

Figure World market profile for petroleum coke 2010.

In 2014, the production of calcined petroleum coke is expected to be 29 × 106 t/a with 74% about 21.5 × 106 t/a being used for aluminum anodes.

Figure shows the world market profile for petroleum coke in 2010 [6, 7, 29]. The relations are the same as now: more than 70% of petroleum coke is burned as fuel.

Industrial Carbon and Graphite Materials

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