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AEGALEOS (Αἰγάλεως, ὁ)



University of Liverpool

A range of mountains in Attica between the plains of ATHENS and ELEUSIS, opposite the island of SALAMIS (BA 59 B3). Herodotus mentions that XERXES watched the Battle of Salamis from Aegaleos (8.90.4; cf. Aesch. Pers. 466–67). At the western end of the range there was a peninsula, called Amphiale, which, according to STRABO (9.1.13/C395), was only two stades (about a quarter‐mile) away from Salamis. The southern coastal part of Aegaleos was called Corydallus (Strabo 9.1.14), while the part through which a road ran from the plain of Athens to that of Eleusis was called Poecilum (Paus. 1.37.7).

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