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AEGILEA (Αἰγίλεα, τά)



University of Notre Dame

A site on the west coast of EUBOEA, probably between Amarynthus and ERETRIA. Along with CHOEREAE and TEMENOS, Aegilea provided anchorage and sufficient space for Persian CAVALRY to disembark during their attack against Eretria in 490 BCE (6.101.1). The most recent editor of the Histories prints Αἰγίλεα (Aigilea) as in MS A rather than Αἰγίλια (Aigilia) as found in other MANUSCRIPTS (see Wilson 2015, 117). The toponym Αἰγάλ‐‐‐ (Aigal‐) is attested epigraphically as a DEME of Eretria and may be identical with the place Herodotus mentions (Knopfler 1997, 425 n. 142).

SEE ALSO: Aegleia; Datis; Epigraphy; Marathon

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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