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AEGIALEUS (Αἰγιαλεύς, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

Mythical, son of Adrastus. While Adrastus was the only member of the “Seven against Thebes” to survive that attack, his son Aegialeus was the only man who perished in the second expedition (the “Epigoni”: Hellanicus BNJ 4 F100). Herodotus reports that the Sicyonians renamed a tribe “Aegialees” sixty years after the death of their tyrant CLEISTHENES. The latter had given the traditional Dorian tribes insulting names, and attempted to “drive out” the hero Adrastus, as part of his attempt to rid SICYON of Argive influence (5.68). Pausanias credits a different legendary Aegialeus with the foundation of Sicyon (2.6.5). According to STRABO, the ancient name of Sicyon was Aegialeis (8.6.25/C383), and the name continued to be used to refer to the northern coast of the PELOPONNESE; Herodotus reports that the IONIANS had been called “Pelasgian Aegialees” when they lived in that region (7.94). In fact, Aigialia appears on Linear B tablets in a context which seems to refer to the area around Sicyon (Lolos 2011, 60).

SEE ALSO: Adrastus son of Talaus; Argos; Dorians; Dymanatae; Ethnicity; Heroes and Hero Cult; Pelasgians

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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