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AEGOSPOTAMI (Αἰγὸς ποταμοἱ, οἱ)



Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Aegospotami (“Goat’s Rivers”) was the name of two small streams (probably now Münip Bey Deresi and Kozludere) on the Hellespontine CHERSONESE (Gallipoli Peninsula) that, after joining 500 meters from the coast, emptied their water into the HELLESPONT opposite LAMPSACUS (BA 51 H4; Müller II, 771–72). At the end of the PERSIAN WARS, the Athenians captured ARTAŸCTES, the Persian hyparkhos (governor) of the Chersonese, near Aegospotami (9.119.2).

The mouth of Aegospotami was famous in antiquity as the site of the final battle of the PELOPONNESIAN WAR that led to the fall of the ATHENIAN EMPIRE in 404 BCE (Xen. Hell. 2.1.21–30; Diod. Sic. 13.105–6).

SEE ALSO: Athens; Date of Composition; End of the Histories

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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