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4) Miscellaneous

accus. accusative
Akkad. Akkadian
Arab. Arabic
Aram. Aramaic
bce Before Common Era (= bc)
c. circa (“around/about,” with dates)
ce Common Era (= ad)
cf. compare/see also (confer)
contra against (the idea previously stated)
ed., eds. editor, editors
e.g. for example (exempli gratia)
Eg. Egyptian
Elam. Elamite
F, FF fragment, fragments
Gk. Greek
Heb. Hebrew
i.e. that is (id est)
l., ll. line, lines
MS, MSS manuscript, manuscripts
no. number
nom. nominative
OIr, OP Old Iranian, Old Persian (an asterisk indicates a word unattested in the surviving evidence but reconstructed by modern linguists)
p., pp. page, pages
pace despite (what the author cited says)
pl. plural
r. ruled
sing. singular
s.v. sub verbum, (that is, under the headword)
T, TT testimonium, testimonia
The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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