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AGENOR (Ἀγήνωρ, ὁ)



Christian‐Albrechts‐University, Kiel

The mythical Phoenician king Agenor was a son of POSEIDON and LIBYA (Apollod. Bibl. 2.1.4), the latter a daughter of Epaphus, son of ZEUS and IO. In Herodotus’ Histories, Agenor is only mentioned as the father of CADMUS (4.147), founder of THEBES, and of CILIX, eponymous hero of the CILICIANS (7.91). In mythological tradition, he also fathered EUROPA, Phoenix (Hes. F138 M‐W), Phineus (Hellanicus BNJ 4 F95), and THASOS (Paus. 5.25.12). All sons were sent out to search for Europa after her abduction by Zeus; not daring to return home without success, they all became founding heroes (Apollod. Bibl. 3.1.1; Hyg. Fab. 178). For an exhaustive collection of other genealogical traditions see Dümmler (1893, esp. §(g)).

SEE ALSO: Heroes and Hero Cult; Myth; Phoenicians

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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