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AGRIANES (Ἀγριᾶνες, οἱ)



University of Notre Dame

Thracian tribe. In his account of the campaign of the Persian general MEGABAZUS (c. 513 BCE), Herodotus lists the Agrianes along with the ODOMANTIANS and DOBERES as people dwelling around Mt. PANGAEUM and Lake PRASIAS who were not subjected to Persian rule (5.16.1). However, the Agrianes appear in other sources (Thuc. 2.96.3; Strabo 7 F16a Radt) as inhabitants of the upper STRYMON valley, well to the north (BA 49 E1). owing to the apparent geographical incongruity, some editors have suggested deleting these three tribal names from the text as a later interpolation, or moving them to the next sentence, though this does not solve the problem (Wilson 2015, 95; Archibald 1998, 85–86 n. 35). In the ancient world, the Agrianes (or Agrianians) were best‐known for their role as skirmishers and “special forces” in the army of Alexander III of MACEDON (Bosworth 1988, 263–64).

SEE ALSO: Geography; Thrace

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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