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AGETUS ( Ἄγητος, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

Spartan, son of ALCEIDES. Agetus was the closest friend of the Spartan king ARISTON (c. 560–510 BCE). Agetus’ wife (unnamed by Herodotus) was “by far the most beautiful woman in SPARTA,” despite having been quite ugly as a child. But this brought Agetus unwanted attention: when Ariston developed a passion for her (and he had not yet produced an heir with his own second wife), he tricked Agetus into giving her to him, by convincing his friend to exchange OATHS that each would give the other anything of his choosing. As the story continues, Ariston’s new wife gave birth to a son, but less than nine months after their MARRIAGE (6.61–63). Although DEMARATUS would succeed Ariston to the throne, this circumstance would eventually be used to depose him. When Demaratus confronts his mother about his real father, Agetus does not enter the picture: she tells her son that she was visited by an APPARITION in the form of Ariston, and thus his father is either Ariston or the hero ASTRABACUS (6.69).

SEE ALSO: Deception; Desire; Ephors; Heroes and Hero Cult; Women in the Histories

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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