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ANAPHLYSTUS (Ἀνάϕλυστος)



University of Notre Dame

A DEME (district, precinct) of ancient ATHENS, on the western coast of the southern tip of Attica (BA 59 C4), modern Anavyssos. Herodotus uses Anaphlystus, along with THORICUS, to illustrate his point about the TAURIANS of Crimea and their position vis‐à‐vis SCYTHIAN territory, relying on the presumed familiarity of his AUDIENCE with sailing along the Attic coastline (4.99.4); for those unfamiliar, he offers an example involving IAPYGIA in ITALY. Two fourth‐century BCE authors attest the presence of FORTIFICATIONS at Anaphlystus (Xen. Vect. 4.43; Ps.‐Scylax 57.2).

SEE ALSO: Analogy; Geography; Ships and Sailing; Thurii

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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