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ANCHIMOLUS (Ἀγχίμολος, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

Prominent Spartan, son of ASTER. When the Delphic ORACLE (bribed by Athenian EXILES, according to some) urged the Spartans to drive the Peisistratid tyrant HIPPIAS from ATHENS, they chose Anchimolus to lead the invasion—seaborne, unusually for the Spartans (c. 511 BCE). The Spartans landed at PHALERUM in Attica but were routed in battle by Thessalian CAVALRY (Athenian ALLIES). Among the many Spartan dead were Anchimolus, whose tomb Herodotus notes as being “next to the sanctuary of HERACLES in CYNOSARGES” at ALOPECE (5.63; on the burial, see Pritchett 1985, 163–64).

There is no evidence that Anchimolus was king, and Herodotus does not call him such. Sparta responded to the failure by having King CLEOMENES lead a land‐based invasion in 510, which succeeded in driving out the PEISISTRATIDAE.

The MANUSCRIPTS of Herodotus read “Anchimolius” (Ἀγχιμόλιος), but references to the same event by later authors ([Arist.] Ath. pol. 19.3; schol. Ar. Lys. 1153) give “Anchimolus,” which recent editors prefer (Wilson 2015, 102).

SEE ALSO: Burial Customs; Cineas; Sparta; Thessaly; Tyrants

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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