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ANDROMEDA (Ἀνδρομέδη, ἡ)



Dalhousie University

Wife of PERSEUS and daughter of Cassiepeia/Cassiopeia and CEPHEUS. Cepheus was son of BELUS and an early king of the Persians, according to Herodotus (7.61); other authors cite Cepheus as king of BABYLON (Hellanicus BNJ 4 F59), Ioppa/PHOENICIA (Conon BNJ 26 F1.40), or ETHIOPIA (Eur. Andr.; Apollod. Bibl. 2.4.3). In Greek mythology, Andromeda was bound to a rock as a victim for a monster sent by POSEIDON to destroy the land of Cepheus (Eratosth. [Cat.] 15–17, 36). Perseus killed the monster, saved Andromeda, and married her, bringing her to ARGOS and TIRYNS, where she bore him several children (Herodorus BNJ 31 F15; Apollod. Bibl. 2.4.4–5). According to Herodotus, Andromeda and Perseus’ son PERSES succeeded Cepheus and became the eponymous king of the Persians (7.61, 150).

SEE ALSO: Artaeans; Myth; Persia

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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