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ANDROCRATES (Ἀνδροκράτης, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

The sacred precinct (temenos) of the hero Androcrates was near the spring of GARGAPHIA in the territory of PLATAEA; its precise location is unknown (Wallace 1982, 186–87; Pritchett 1965, 112–15). The Greek forces made their second encampment near here (or possibly Herodotus means between these landmarks and the Asopus River: Lazenby 1993, 223–27 with map) in the lead‐up to the Battle of Plataea in 479 BCE (9.25.3). THUCYDIDES mentions the heroön of Androcrates in his account of the siege of Plataea during the PELOPONNESIAN WAR (3.24.1–2), and PLUTARCH says the Greeks offered SACRIFICE to Androcrates before their battle with the Persians (Arist. 11).

SEE ALSO: Asopus River (Boeotia); Heroes and Hero Cult; Temples and Sanctuaries

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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