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ANAXANDRIDES II (Ἀναξ‐ανδρίδης, ὁ) son of Leon



Arizona State University

Anaxandrides II (c. 560–516 BCE) was one of the kings of SPARTA during the Second Arcadian War (c. 550; Hdt. 1.67.1). He was a member of the Agiad branch, the son of LEON and father of CLEOMENES I.

Herodotus tells the story (5.39–41) of how Anaxandrides married a second wife, against Spartan custom but at the EPHORS’ urging, in order to ensure the succession of the throne. Cleomenes was born from his second MARRIAGE, and Anaxandrides’ first wife then produced three CHILDREN of her own. The eldest of these was DORIEUS, who later resisted Cleomenes’ rule and chose to leave Sparta.

SEE ALSO: Arcadians; Ariston king of Sparta

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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