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ARGANTHONIUS (Ἀργανθώνιος, ὁ)



The Ohio State University

King of TARTESSUS in southwest IBERIA, mentioned because of his FRIENDSHIP with the Phocaeans in Asia Minor. Owing to the Persian threat, Arganthonius offers them land to settle in. Instead, they accept MONEY to build a wall back home (1.163.1–4). When the Phocaeans later fled their city (c. 546 BCE), Arganthonius had already died (1.165.1–2). The king’s WEALTH and longevity were proverbial already for the lyric poet ANACREON (F361 Campbell = Strabo 3.2.14/C151).

SEE ALSO: Phocaea; Walls

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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