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ARGILUS (ἡ Ἄργιλος πόλις)



University of Notre Dame

Greek city in BISALTIA in northern Greece, along the coast west of the STRYMON River (BA 51 B3; Müller I, 148–50). XERXES’ invasion force marched past Argilus in 480 BCE, and troops from the city joined the Persian army (7.115.1). Argilus was a colony of ANDROS (Thuc. 4.103), founded c. 650; coinage is known dating to c. 520 (Liampi 2005). Excavations led by Jacques Perreault at the University of Montreal, begun in 1992, have revealed evidence of the city’s importance as a commercial center, including an early portico. After the PERSIAN WARS, it became an early member of DELIAN LEAGUE, but ATHENS’ founding of nearby Amphipolis and, perhaps, other imperial practices led to conflict in the second half of the fifth century. Argilus lost its independence and was absorbed by MACEDONIA under Philip II in the 350s; by the Roman era the city’s existence had largely been forgotten.

SEE ALSO: Colonization; Thrace

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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