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ARGIMPASA (Ἀργίμπασα, ἡ)



University of Notre Dame

Scythian goddess whom Herodotus equates with the Greek APHRODITE Urania (4.59.2). It has been suggested that the reading found in two lesser MANUSCRIPTS of the Histories, “Artimpasa” (Ἀρτίμπασα: see Rosén 1987, 384), may be more correct than “Argimpasa.” The second element of the name derives from the same Iranian root as “lord,” “pasture,” while the Iranian goddess Arti‐ looked over fertility and MARRIAGE (see Ustinova 1999, 75–76). Argimpasa/Aphrodite was a powerful goddess among the SCYTHIANS, represented in much of the surviving iconography (Ustinova 1999, 93–129). Herodotus also writes that the Scythian ENAREES credit their DIVINATION technique to Aphrodite (4.67), though this may also pertain to that goddess’ worship at ASCALON (1.105).

SEE ALSO: Api; Ethnography; Gods and the Divine

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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