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ARIMNESTUS (Ἀρίμνηστος, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

Citizen of PLATAEA who fought at the Battle of Plataea in 479 BCE. Herodotus mentions Arimnestus as the recipient of the final words of the Spartan CALLICRATES, who was mortally wounded before the battle began and expressed his regrets at not being able to partake in the fighting (9.72.2). The Roman‐era authors PLUTARCH (Arist. 11.5) and Pausanias (9.4.2) name Arimnestus as general of the Plataeans; Pausanias claims to have seen a statue of Arimnestus in the temple of ATHENA Areia at Plataea. Herodotus’ “citation” of Arimnestus raises interesting questions about his SOURCES of information for the battle, as well as the course it took, since the Plataeans began on the opposite wing from the Spartans (9.28) and, assuming they remained attached to the Athenians, fought the battle separated from the Spartans (9.61.1–2).

SEE ALSO: Aeimnestus; Source Citations; Warfare

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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