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ARISBA (Ἀρίσβα, ἡ)



University of Notre Dame

Aeolian city on the ISLAND of LESBOS in the northeastern AEGEAN (BA 56 C3; Müller I, 929–30). Arisba (sometimes spelled Arisbe) lay in the center of the island, near the Gulf of Kalloni. After mentioning the existence of five CITIES on Lesbos, Herodotus notes that the people of the sixth, Arisba, had been enslaved by their kinsmen from METHYMNA (1.151.2; cf. Strabo 13.1.21/C590; Pliny, HN 5.139, says Arisba was destroyed by an EARTHQUAKE). Some Bronze Age pottery has been found, and the site shows evidence of occupation in the ARCHAIC AGE, but the dates are uncertain (Spencer 1995, 287–88).

SEE ALSO: Aeolians; Slavery

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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