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ARIOMARDUS (Ἀριόμαρδος, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

1) Officer in XERXES’ invasion force of 480 BCE who commanded the CASPIANS (7.67.1). Herodotus does not provide a patronymic but refers to this Ariomardus as the brother of ARTYPHIUS, thus (presumably) making him a son of ARTABANUS.

2) Another officer in Xerxes’ invasion force of 480 BCE, who commanded the MOSCHIANS and TIBARENIANS (7.78). This Ariomardus was the son of DARIUS I and PARMYS, thus a half‐brother of Xerxes and, through his mother, a great‐grandson of CYRUS (II).

The name Ariomardus appears three times in AESCHYLUS’ Persians: in the initial CATALOGUE of forces at SALAMIS he is the governor of Egyptian THEBES (38); in the casualty list, he is connected with SARDIS (321; cf. 967). It seems unlikely that this man (or men) is identical with either of the men named by Herodotus, given their commands (see Garvie 2009, 60–61).

SEE ALSO: Achaemenids; Persia

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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