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ACHILLEIUM (Ἀχιλλήϊον πόλις)



University of Notre Dame

A small settlement in the Troad, northwestern Anatolia, built around the tomb of the hero Achilles (BA 56 C2). Herodotus writes that the Mytilenians made attacks from Achilleium against the Athenians under HEGESISTRATUS, whose father PEISISTRATUS had installed him as TYRANT of SIGEIUM (5.94.2: the CHRONOLOGY does not work, however). Scholars identify Achilleium with the site of Beşika Burnu, where remains of FORTIFICATIONS from the sixth century BCE are found (Cook 1973, 186–88). Later authors disputed whether those WALLS had been constructed with stones from the ruins of TROY (Strabo 13.1.39/C600).

SEE ALSO: Alcaeus (poet); Mytilene; Trojan War

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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