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ADRAMYTTIUM (Ἀδραμύττειον πόλις)



University of Notre Dame

A city in Asia Minor, near the head of the gulf of the same name (BA 56 D2; Müller II, 764–66). Some MANUSCRIPTS have At‐ instead of Adramyttium (see Threatte 1980, 557). Herodotus mentions Adramyttium as XERXES’ invasion force marches through in 480 BCE (7.42.1). It was the most important city of the plain of Thebe (cf. Strabo 13.1.61–66/C612–14); at some point in the Roman era (perhaps the second century CE) it was refounded farther north and inland, on the former site of the town named Thebe, which is where modern Edremit sits.

SEE ALSO: Antandrus; Mysia; Thebe (2)

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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