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ADICRAN (Ἀδικράν, ὁ)



Université de Caen Normandie

Libyan king who attempted, in vain, to oppose the second wave of Greek COLONIZATION at CYRENE, in the first quarter of the sixth century BCE. Very little is known about Adicran, but it is likely that he was the leader of the ASBYSTAE who inhabited the region near Cyrene. But the desire of BATTUS II (ruled from c. 583 until after 570) to develop the colony went against the territorial interests of his native neighbors. Adicran called on the Egyptian pharaoh APRIES for assistance, but the Egyptian army suffered a heavy defeat at IRASA (c. 570). Herodotus does not report what happened to Adicran after this defeat, which led to a change of ruler in EGYPT (4.159).

SEE ALSO: Amasis (king of Egypt); Libya

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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