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ARTYSTONE (Ἀρτυστώνη, ἡ)



University of Michigan

Artystone (3.88.2), a virgin, was one of two daughters of CYRUS (II) married to DARIUS I upon his accession (the other being ATOSSA); she became his favorite (7.69.2). Attested as Irtašduna on the Elamite PERSEPOLIS Fortification tablets (Henkelman and Kleber 2007, 166–69), she maintained numerous estates and an extensive network of contacts (Brosius 1996). Her magnificent seal incorporates distinctive Egyptian imagery (PFS 38: Garrison and Root 2001, cat. no. 16). This lends credibility to an Egyptian account of Cyrus’ MARRIAGE to the Egyptian princess NITETIS (3.2; Lang 1972), who might well have been her mother. Artystone’s two sons by Darius led units of XERXES’ army on the campaign against Greece in 480 BCE: ARSAMES commanded ARABIANS and ETHIOPIANS (7.69.2), while Gobryas led troops from eastern Anatolia (7.72.2).

Figure 7 Composite drawing of PFS 38 from the Persepolis Fortification tablets, courtesy of M. B. Garrison and M. C. Root. Drawing by author (and another contributor). Reproduced with permission of M. B. Garrison and M. C. Root.

SEE ALSO: Egypt; Gobryas son of Darius; Persia

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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